mod_rewrite problem


Joined: 2005-01-26
Posts: 5
Posted: Sun, 2005-05-29 11:21

Hi there,
Just wondered if anyone could suggest a fix for this problem. I've got mambo 4.5.2 and G2.Beta3 working perfectly as standalones. I've installed the g2 module and component (from Unfortunately the URL shortcut doesn't seem to work and the pictures are missing from the embedded page (and sidebar). This problem goes away when the G2 mod_rewrite module is disabled and everything works perfectly again (abet a little ugly).

There seems to be missing the '/gallery2/' from the rewritten URL code. The relative and absolute pathways for the mambo G2 component works with G2 mod_rewrite module off. I have the 'AllowOverride FileInfo Options' code for the gallery2 directory in my apache httpd.conf file to allow mod_rewrite.

Any solution of this little problem will be greatly appreciated.



Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sun, 2005-05-29 11:46

have you already played with the url rewrite configurations in G2?
you could also play with the embedUri (hardcode it in the integration code in gallery2.php) and set it to gallery2/ or something like that.

we haven't a mod_rewrite in G2 and mambo/drupal/wp/xaraya/... policy. if both applications use mod_rewrite, we have to figure out a solution on a case per case basis (that is, foreach integration, we can't offer a solution that works for all integrations).