Error: Unable to create dir: after finishing the config wiz.


Joined: 2005-06-03
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2005-06-03 22:18

Hi there

I looked after that problem in the discussion forums, but I didnt't found any solution.

After I've completed the configuration wizard, without any errors, I pressed the [Save Config] Button and get only the error message "Error: Unable to create dir:"

I have no idea where the problem could be.
I'm using gallery version 1.5 on PHP 5.0.3 and was not able to patch the "gallery-1.5-php5_upgrade_error.diff" file to the server. Instead, I replaced my Albums.php file in the classes dir with that one that was advised on the gallery information page. Maybe this could be the problem. I have no idea why this patch is necessary for the gallery.

I chmodded the tmp dir, .htaccess file and the albums dir with 777. I think it could be a permission problem or something like that.

The gallery won't work, because the config.php file is still empty (or not saved with the information after the completion of the wizard). When I want to access the gallery, I get still the message that I have to configure gallery first.

Has anybody an idea what the problem could be?

PS: I've attached the output of the configuration wizard as a txt file.

Thanks for answers ;-)


Gallery URL (optional but very useful):
Gallery version: 1.5
Apache version: Apache/1.3.26 (Unix) Debian GNU/Linux
PHP version (don't just say PHP 4, please): 5.0.3-1.dotdeb.0
Graphics Toolkit: NetPBM
Operating system: Linux gdp-lin-230-58 2.4.25
Web browser/version (if applicable): Mozilla Firefox 1.0.3

wizard_output.txt7.27 KB