Can't delete g2data folder

mcgrelio's picture

Joined: 2003-02-03
Posts: 52
Posted: Sun, 2005-06-05 10:20

i use G2 v3.3.4 and i've noticed that i can't CHMOD files and folders in the g2data folder (via FTP). CHMOD simply doesn't work.
Now i just want to completely remove Gallery2 from my server but i can't delete the g2data folder.
How can i do?
Is it a know issue?


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sun, 2005-06-05 10:28

mcgrelio, there's no version 3.3.4 of G2, where do you have this number from?
see the G2 FAQ on how to remove the g2data folder (bharat's cleanup script).
The link to the FAQ is in my signature.

mcgrelio's picture

Joined: 2003-02-03
Posts: 52
Posted: Sun, 2005-06-05 10:38
valiant wrote:
mcgrelio, there's no version 3.3.4 of G2, where do you have this number from?
see the G2 FAQ on how to remove the g2data folder (bharat's cleanup script).
The link to the FAQ is in my signature.

Ooooops... Sorry :D
I was posting also in the PhpGedView forum and had a lapsus... That number is the current version of PhpGedView.
Of course i have G2 beta3, sorry.
Now i check the link, thx a lot!

mcgrelio's picture

Joined: 2003-02-03
Posts: 52
Posted: Sun, 2005-06-05 12:12

I had read the FAQ but not the posts.
Ok, i've downloaded the script and executed it succesfully.
After that i have deleted everything in g2data except the locks and cache folders.
These are still undeletable.

I run the cleanup script a second time and now i get this (the folder are still undeletable):

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Directory: : /home/vhosts/

Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in /home/vhosts/ on line 48

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Sun, 2005-06-05 16:18

To use the cleanup script to remove the cache and locks directories, you've got to specify the sub-directories first and work your way up.

It's a pain. If you hadn't already started with that, as I don't think this will work after you've deleted some of those files. You could use /lib/tools/test/ EmptyGallery or ResetGallery.

What I've done in the past to clean out my g2data is create a little PHP script.

You'll need to double check this as there might be a typo or error, I'm not a PHP expert.
<? exec('rm -Rf /path/to/g2data/') ?>

You'll also want to delete that script after you use it.

mcgrelio's picture

Joined: 2003-02-03
Posts: 52
Posted: Sun, 2005-06-05 16:43
nivekiam wrote:
To use the cleanup script to remove the cache and locks directories, you've got to specify the sub-directories first and work your way up.

It's a pain. If you hadn't already started with that, as I don't think this will work after you've deleted some of those files. You could use /lib/tools/test/ EmptyGallery or ResetGallery.

What I've done in the past to clean out my g2data is create a little PHP script.

You'll need to double check this as there might be a typo or error, I'm not a PHP expert.
<? exec('rm -Rf /path/to/g2data/') ?>

You'll also want to delete that script after you use it.

Ok, thx a lot for the info.
I'll try that piece of code.


Joined: 2007-08-04
Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 2007-08-04 17:59

Hi, I have the same problem. I can't delete that folder. I couldn't find an instruction in the FAQ, anybody can explain how to delete it?