I just have a few questions. I figure that numbering them will make it easier to answer... 
1) Is it an intended behavior for the comments link in an album to list the comments for the album itself and not for pictures within it? For example, suppose Album A has two pictures, B and C. I leave a comment for picture B. If I click comments in album A, it will say there are no comments, but if I click picture B, it will show the comment.
2) If this is the intended behavior, is it possible to have the link show comments in a recursive/nested type of way to include the comments of items within... (like in Gallery v1)?
3) If this is intended behavior, is there a way to only allow comments for pictures and not an album itself? In Gallery 1 I believe that only pictures could have comments, but I could be wrong (perhaps it was an option).
3) This probably should be a topic of its own, but there was a modification for Gallery v1 (I think stats.php) that allowed for viewing the entire gallery or subalbums by votes, views, comments, random, etc. The plugin took in many variables that allowed you to control how the lists were displayed etc on the fly. Is anyone aware of any plans to create a similar module or for this functionality to be built in to the block module already present. It seems like a logical extension of the functionality already available... And additionally, the database organization should provide for relatively easy sorting of photos via SQL??
Posts: 32509
1) yes. you can add comments to each item. an album is an item, a photo is an item etc. so when you view the comments of an album, you only see the comments on the album, and not on its subitems (more on items in G2: http://gallery.menalto.com/modules.php?full=1&set_albumName=miscellaneous&id=aaf&op=modload&name=gallery&file=index&include=view_photo.php).
2) Yes, but you'd have to customize G2
3) yes, remove the "add comment" permission from the album without inheriting this removal to its subitems (don't check the checkbox in the edit permissions view).
4) (3)) a stats module was certainly discussed and will be in G2, but perhaps not in the first release. it's not uberimportant, but very nice to have. if this isn't already listed in the http://sf.net/projects/gallery/ task / RFE trackers, we should create one.
Posts: 19
In number 2 when you say "customize" do you mean that it is not available without changing files that will be overwritten by updates?
Out of curiousity, did this change from G1, and if so, WHY?
Also, stats module does not appear to be listed in the task list...
Posts: 32509
2) yes, you'd have to customize modules/comments/ShowComments.inc (but not the corresponding .tpl). maybe a future version of the comments module could offer an option to enable / disable such things. but that's as it is at the moment.
why did it change? because G2 is a complete rewrite, there's no resemble to G1 under the hood. we have now much more flexibility. all we need now are good layouts/themes that reflect the power of G2.
@statistics: found an existing RFE and raised its priority a little bit...
Posts: 19
I think a feature to turn on/off album comments and nested comments would be good, I would be interested in how many people prefer the way it is to the way it was... was this a requested feature? It seems weird for people to comment on albums... Just my two cents...