Should I upgrade???


Joined: 2003-10-12
Posts: 7
Posted: Sat, 2005-06-11 16:05

Hi all. No problem here, more of a philosophical question. I try to keep up with the latest versions of software, for security reasons if nothing else... I've been using gallery on my website for several years now. I run on a relatively old (read slow) machine. Should I plan on installing gallery 2 when it becomes available? Will the database requirement slow my machine down further? The machine doesn't do much - it is my web server, mail server and firewall for my home network... And the gallery doesn't get that many hits - I guess I'm just wondering if I should leave it alone or continue to follow the upgrade path. Any comments welcome....

I can be reached via email at



nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Sat, 2005-06-11 18:05

You could always install a beta and try it out. I remember having MySQL installed on my old Windows box, a PIII 450, for testing and development and didn't have problems for that purpose.