Help for Windows Client people


Joined: 2003-01-10
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2003-01-10 19:25


First off, I'd like to say thanks for creating such a wonderful piece of software - after a few configuration bumps it's been wonderfully smooth sailing. I thought I'd add this one for anyone who's having the same troubles as I did:

The README details how to set Gallery into config mode if you only have FTP access, as I did. However, if you look at the gallery directory on your web server using CuteFTP et al, you won't be able to see .htaccess to change permissions, so you can't complete that part.

The way round this I found was that Windows (to my shock) has a built in ftp client:

Start -> Run
type "cmd"
type "ftp" at the prompt
type "open"

you can then use standard commands to move around, like this:

type "cd gallery"

If you try and use chmod at this point it won't work. The correct syntax for windows is:

quote site chmod ### filename

So the 3 commands would now need to be:

quote site chmod 777 .htaccess
quote site chmod 777 config.php
quote site chmod 755 setup

Then, to log out:

type "close"
type "bye"

You can do the reverse commands to unset config mode.

Hope that helps someone out there!

beckett's picture

Joined: 2002-08-16
Posts: 3474
Posted: Sat, 2003-01-11 05:24

Thanks Shahid!

FYI, Gaile (user "PixelPoet") has posted directions on how to see .htaccess and other "." dot files.

For CuteFTP, read her directions here:

For WS_FTP, read Gaile's stunning tutorial here:

-Beckett (


joemonster's picture

Joined: 2006-04-12
Posts: 236
Posted: Fri, 2006-08-11 14:17
FYI, Gaile (user "PixelPoet") has posted dieet on how to see .htaccess and other "." dot files.

Wow, these old articles are still valid even now.


Joined: 2006-09-25
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2006-09-25 01:58

i still get "command not understood"