delete images in list mode


Joined: 2003-01-10
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2003-01-10 22:20

First of all - great tool, I regret not having found and used it earlier.

Two suggestions:

-I've been looking through some of the messages and found some postings similiar to my suggestion. There should be a possibility to move, rotate and delete pictures in list mode, comparable with the captions menu. If I upload some hundred pictures and need to handle every single picture, it takes ages. It would be easier to have a list with ten pictures - on the right hand side the options with checkboxes, where I can choose the action(s) and have that done on submit.

- I created an album and some subalbums and pictures within it. To get to the pictures of the subalbums, you have to click on the thumbnail. A link on the album name would be good, because the normal behavior of clicking on a thumbnail is to get a bigger view of that picture.

Let me know, what you think about these suggestions.
Thanks a lot for this great tools.

Greetings from Germany,
Agent H. :cool: