A few suggestions on securing my images


Joined: 2002-09-29
Posts: 53
Posted: Mon, 2005-06-27 12:49

Hello, I am going to start selling images from my website but wondered what precautions I could take to protect my photo's.

1. Is there a security plug-in mod for G2 that stops visitors from right clicking the mouse and selecting the `save picture as` option. ( I used this as a script in G1, but it's not practical as a script in G2 as the files change so often with the nightly re-builds )

2. I am a bit confused about the watermarking, If I use watermarking and select it to apply to all images will it watermark my original image and if so can this be un-done.( Gallery 1 can't undo )

3. If I watermark only resized images is it possible to completely hide the original from non logged in users.

4. Any other suggestions on securing my images


Gallery URL (optional):
Gallery version: G2 Nightly Download
Webserver (with version): IIS
Datatabase (with version):
PHP version (eg 4.2.1):
phpinfo URL (optional):
Graphics Toolkit(s):ImageMagic
Operating system:XP
Web browser/version:
G1 version (for migration bugs):


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2005-06-27 13:03

G2 has a built-in image firewall. You should place your g2data directory outside the htdocs / www directory / web root, then users can't just access the images directly.

But if a user can view an image in the browser, he is able to download it. A simple javascript right mouse click blocker doesn't solve the problem. The user just has to disable javascript in the browser, voila.

You manage the permissions. Which users can view the thumbnails, the resized versions or the hires original is up to you.

2. Watermarking doesn't affect originals. G2 preserves originals, instead it applies the watermark to "derivatives", e.g. copies / resized versions of the original.
you can also apply watermarks only to images if the current visitor is viewing the image from outside your website (hotlinking).

3. just don't give the everybody group or the registered users group (it's up to you) the core view original permission.

4. i guess there could be tons of suggestions. but these are the available options to date in G2. you might also want to take a look at:


Joined: 2002-09-29
Posts: 53
Posted: Mon, 2005-06-27 13:32

Thanks for a swift reply :D