Square Thumbnails


Joined: 2005-06-28
Posts: 9
Posted: Tue, 2005-06-28 20:07

After adding photos into Gallery2 i noticed the module to create square thumbnails. I experimented for a bit and got to like this. However... Some of my thumbnails are square, some arent.

Is there a way to make both of them the same - easily?


mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Tue, 2005-06-28 22:12

rebuild thumbnails in each album (under "edit album"/Album tab) or remove all files under your g2data/cache/derivative tree and then run the Site Admin / Maintenance task to rebuild all derivatives.


Joined: 2005-06-28
Posts: 9
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 17:14


The first option doesnt correct the thumbnails to all square ones.

I also cannot delete any files under the derivative folder - says persmission denied.

Any ideas how to combat this problem?

mindless's picture

Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Wed, 2005-06-29 17:29

i guess the edit album / rebuild will only rebuild if you change the size.
try setting a new size and leaving rebuild unchecked and clicking save, then set the size back to the original value, check rebuild thumbnails and click save.
see G2 FAQ for how to delete files.