Choosing between G1 or G2?


Joined: 2005-07-02
Posts: 23
Posted: Sat, 2005-07-02 22:05

Can someone point me to info about deciding between a new user install of G1 or G2? It appears G2 has been around a while, and I see at least old posts that discuss G1->G2 import problems. Apache server, a production system but <1k photos and it's not mission-critical if there's minor bumps along the way.

How highly recommended is it that I use G1 for a live site?
Has the import tool been improved?
Is the remote utility better w/G1 than G2?
What are other considerations?



Webserver (with version): Apache (unsure)
Database (with version): MySQL [Client API version 3.23.56 (?)]
PHP version (eg 4.2.1): 4.3.11
Graphics Toolkit(s): Not installed yet
Operating system: Linux cgi12 2.4.29-grsec #6 SMP
G1 version (for migration bugs):


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sat, 2005-07-02 22:16

obviously you have mysql and it's not mission critical. i'd go for G2.
the g1 -> g2 import tool is quite stable/good.
GR works with both versions.


Joined: 2005-07-02
Posts: 23
Posted: Sat, 2005-07-02 23:04

I Dl'd G2 and see in the README:
>When not to use Gallery 2 Beta
>Do not use it as the main repository for your data. Do not use it for a production web site.

How big a concern is the first? Are the images themselves stored in the DB? If so, losing the DB means losing the pics? OTOH if the DB stores pointer info to typical image files in the filesystem, loss of the DB doesnt mean loss of the pics, right?

-THANKS again


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sat, 2005-07-02 23:17

i'd still say "Do not use it as the main repository for your data. Do not use it for a production web site. "

doing backups on a regular basis is crucial. whether you use G2 or not. backup.

that being said, i'd use G2 for my own website if i planned to redesign my website now.

g2 stores the original images in g2data/albums/ in the filesystem.


Joined: 2005-07-02
Posts: 23
Posted: Sat, 2005-07-02 23:47

Understood, great feedback... thanks!