I'd like to suggest that you reconsider how you're organizing the files inside the .zip/.tar.gz archives.
On my website, I use gallery in /photos, not /gallery, not /gallery2.
With only FTP access I have to unzip everything, and either create a folder called photos, put all the gallery files inside it, and zip it up, upload it, and unzip it from the root of my account - or - unzip it locally, and just zip the contents of the gallery2 folder, not the folder itself, and then upload the .zip to my /photos folder and unzip it.
It's a hassle that could be avoided if you just packaged the files and didn't choose a folder name for the user.
Thanks for reading this. 
Posts: 3236
There is a very major problem with that:
It makes a huge god-damn mess when you accidentally extract it in your / dir expecting it to create its own /dir. I would say that 95% of web based applications are distributed zipped/tarred in their own directory... because frankly it really sucks to grab appXYZ.zip and extract it to your /, only to find it created 40 directories and 50 files right smack there.
So don't expect it anytime soon!
In the mean time though, use your FTP software's "rename" function! Upload the directory with the name "gallery" or "gallery2" then simply right click on the folder and choose "rename" option (maybe just press F2) and pick your new name! Easy as a $2 hooker!
Posts: 6818
at least _i_ dont see any "hassle".
For real, what would be the advantage to put it all in an archive without the root folder ?
Maybe you can make explain me the different.