Path to mambo not accepted in gallery2 component

uncletaz's picture

Joined: 2005-08-10
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2005-08-10 22:15

I have a bit of a problem getting my g2 integrated into mambo. I installed gallery2 here:, the installation went well.

Here comes the problem---I installed the component for gallery2 in Mambo. When trying to input data i get the following message: "Path to mambo is incorrect!".

The full path to my gallery is:
The relative path (i think because it was accepted) is:
And for the mambo installation path i have tried all kinds of different inputs. And nothing seems to be accepted.

Can someone please help me?

P.S. As it is a not yet completed website i am willing to add a super administrator account in mambo for troubleshooting.