German translation of "Owner" - "Besitzer&quo


Joined: 2005-08-11
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2005-08-11 18:10

I don't know if I doing right, writing these here in "Suggestions and Feedback".
The german translation of the "Owner" is "Besitzer".
But: Are you really the OWNER of the pictures you upload/post?
I have many Photos, but I'm not unconditional the owner of it.

Wouldn't it be better to call it "uploader" or "poster" or something like that?

Sorry about my english... it s*cks...


Joined: 2002-10-30
Posts: 3236
Posted: Fri, 2005-08-12 04:12

In english we call it the "owner" so it would make sense to call it the same thing in german too. If we changed the german term, what would you suggest? And what would it translate to? The problem with changing it is that then it would need to (in theory) be changed for EVERY language. And can you think of a short term that implies the same thing that most people will understand? Owner is far more familiar to the average person than "uploader" or "poster". Even in every day english, "owner" doesn't always imply that you have unconditional ownership of something. You can own a project, but that doesn't mean its physically yours. You could be the "owner" of a leased or financed car, but technically its the banks. Same thing with a house and a morgage, you are called the "owner" but really its the banks.

Not really a whole lot of point in trying to be perfectly politically correct. Now if the term had been "unconditional owner" or "copyright holder" than it might be a good idea to change it. But it isn't, so it probably won't happen. Unless there is another german word for "owner" that doesn't imply "unconditional ownership" (if that is what besitzer means at all).

Tim_j's picture

Joined: 2002-08-15
Posts: 6818
Posted: Fri, 2005-08-12 13:57

Hello carnivore,

in german we have "Besitzer" and "Eigentümer".

The current "Besitzer" is in my opinion indeed the Gallery owner.
If the "Eigentümer" is someone else than the "Besitzer", then its depends if the real owner ("Eigentümer") allowed to show the picuters and/or wants to be mentioned and so on.

To be save, you could add a custom field called "Eigentümer", or "Urheberrecht" or whatever and enter the same of the real owner.
