import from gallery1


Joined: 2005-08-13
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2005-08-13 17:50


I just installed gallery2 on the same machine I also had gallery 1.5. The installation went whitout any problems and g2 seems to run great. except one thing: if I try to import the albums from g1, I always get the following error. can you provide me with some hints? Would be very nice.

The apache error log shows:
[Sat Aug 13 19:45:12 2005] [error] PHP Notice: Undefined index: destinationAlbumID in /var/www/htdocs/gallery2/modules/migrate/ on line 1392

Thank you very much and have a nice day,


An error has occurred.

Back to the Gallery

Error Detail -
in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryEntityHelper_simple.class at line 50 (gallerystatus::error)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2168 (galleryentityhelper_simple::loadentitiesbyid)
in modules/migrate/ at line 1401 (gallerycoreapi::loadentitiesbyid)
in modules/core/ at line 153 (confirmimportview::loadtemplate)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryTheme.class at line 672 (siteadminview::loadtemplate)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryView.class at line 285 (matrixtheme::loadtemplate)
in main.php at line 289 (siteadminview::doloadtemplate)
in main.php at line 90
in main.php at line 82

System Information
Gallery version 2.0-rc-1
PHP version 4.4.0 apache
Webserver Apache/1.3.33 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.8.22 OpenSSL/0.9.7d PHP/4.4.0
Database mysql 4.1.13
Toolkits ImageMagick
Operating system Linux www 2.4.26 #6 Mon Jun 14 19:07:27 PDT 2004 i686
Browser Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)