iPhoto.db as a sort of "database backend" to G2


Joined: 2005-08-16
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2005-08-16 18:54


I might be reopening a settled subject by asking that, but my concern is the following : I would like to have my photos in just 1 repository, so that would make Gallery go get the pictures and the iPhoto albums within iPhoto.db, then would allow you to create "virtual albums (to keep things organized...), as much as allow you to manage users and so...

That would be like having the Myphoto tool with the loads of functionnalities G2 provides us with...

How does it sound ?
Does anyone know of any such tool ? if no, do you think it's possible to hack G2 to have it use iPhoto.db as its main repository, still allowing for some "virtual folders" creation and stuff ?

Thanks in advance for the answer :o)