.htaccess and mod_rewrite problem when re-configuring


Joined: 2003-10-29
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2005-09-04 05:19

Ok, I've had gallery running fine for almost two years. It's been on this server for over a year without any issues. Today I decided to switch a few things around, and I ran into a problem where gallery changed all my urls.

I went back into the configuration and it looked like Gallery was not obeying the .htaccess file, so I had my host add

<Directory /home/matt/public_html/chicks>
	AllowOverride Options FileInfo

to httpd.conf, to no avail. mod_rewrite is installed and working, but Gallery says that it isn't.

.htaccess is chmodded to 777.

Basically, it's saying that nothing is working, when I know for a fact that everything is.
The following information is required to get an answer:
Get this information from the PHP diagnostic (in the configuration wizard).
Gallery URL (optional but very useful): Please ask for it and I will email it to you.
Gallery version: 1.3
Apache version: Release: 10333100
PHP version (don't just say PHP 4, please): 4.3.11
Graphics Toolkit:
Operating system:
Web browser/version (if applicable):