After setting up gallery, I was up and running in about an hour, then spent 3 hours of tweaking to my liking. Had a few dumb problems setting up the config, but was easily answered by searching your forums.
I'm at most a pHp n00b, but am learning at my own pace. I got tired of editing individual htm files each time I uploaded a photo, so googled something like "php image galleries" and came accross your site. Was a little skeptical at first, because c'mon.. how good can a "free service" be??
Boy was I shocked. This is by far the best thing since sliced bread! And it's FREE!! But I don't understand why? You guys could make a small fortune from this. There are many other programs that offer simmilar with fewer details and they want you to buy. Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful that it is free, because if it wasn't.. I doubt I'd be here 
All the designers/coders/testers here deserve a round of applause, awesome work, keep it up.
Posts: 13451
Thank you! We try our best, and I'm glad to hear that you enjoy the product!