What is arg1 if I copy a module in my templates?


Joined: 2005-08-07
Posts: 40
Posted: Thu, 2005-09-08 04:37

<a href="
{g->url arg1="view=slideshowapplet.SlideshowApplet" arg2="itemId=`$theme.item.id`"}">

this work and is the standard;the path is:

but if I copy into my theme (whereI have album.tpl ecc):

how I can write the arg1?



Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2005-09-08 07:46

i'm not quite sure if i understand correctly what you did / want.

i guess you want to override the
with your own template in your theme at

the answer is:
no, you don't have to change the URLs.
but also: No, you can't override SlideShow.tpl with your theme. This feature is definitely on our todo list, mindless even has some working code, but there are a few things that are holding us back from committing it at this point.

The only way to override SlideShow.tpl at the moment is a customized file in:


Joined: 2005-08-07
Posts: 40
Posted: Thu, 2005-09-08 10:01
valiant wrote:
i'm not quite sure if i understand correctly what you did / want.

i guess you want to override the
with your own template in your theme at

practically I want use a my personal slideshowapplet only for a my thema
and not for all .

the answer is:
no, you don't have to change the URLs.
but also: No, you can't override SlideShow.tpl with your theme. This feature is definitely on our todo list, mindless even has some working code, but there are a few things that are holding us back from committing it at this point.

but, it not work because is not exist a method to write the url that recall the file with arguments or for other?
Because if is only the 1st the problem, perhaps is sufficient to change (or to add) something in smarty's code.

The only way to override SlideShow.tpl at the moment is a customized file in:

if i create a my SlideshowApplet.tpl
and call this I think work too, but the update change the original file;

last question:
but this 'problem' is for all file.tpl inner modules?
or only for SlideshowApplet.tpl?
for example
I can to do?


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2005-09-08 11:08

replacing / overriding template files has nothing to do with URLs. you can't switch from one template to another for the same view with a different URL.

what you want is not possible at the moment.

the only workaround i can think of, if this is about multisites:
- copy the slideshow module (new name / class name needed)
- change the SlideShow.tpl in the new slideshow module
- use the normal slideshow module for one multisite, use the customized for the other.
(or better just use multiple G2 standalones instead of multisites for now)