MYSql for Gallery 1.5?


Joined: 2005-08-12
Posts: 14
Posted: Fri, 2005-09-09 20:06


I really like the simplicity and layout of Gallery 1.5 better than Gallery 2. However, I REALLY like the fact that Gallery 2 uses MYSQL.

Is there a patch to use a MYSQL backend database with Gallery 1.5 ?



signe's picture

Joined: 2003-07-27
Posts: 2322
Posted: Fri, 2005-09-09 20:14

No, and there never will be, sorry.

SQL support is one of the big reasons that G2 was written. Adapting G1 to use SQL would be an extreme amount of effort for very little gain.

G2 has layouts that are similar to G1, and it's quite easy to customize.


Joined: 2005-08-12
Posts: 14
Posted: Fri, 2005-09-09 20:39


I actually just realized I can customize a lot more in Gallery 2 than I thought!

If I start using Gallery 2 beta right now, will there be an easy way to upgrade to Gallery 2 Final Version when it comes out?

Also, what CMS is best to use in conjunction with Gallery2?

Thanks again,

Jeff :o

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Joined: 2003-07-27
Posts: 2322
Posted: Fri, 2005-09-09 20:45

G2 final will probably be shipped in the next few days (but don't hold me to that, as I'm a little out of the loop over the last two weeks).

G2 has been upgradeable since the end of the alpha series, so anything you install now should very easily upgrade to the final release. (In general, RC2 is basically the final release. The only changes will be bug fixes.)

As for CMSes, I'm not quite sure. PHPNuke is the best-updated integration module at the moment CMS-wise. The WordPress integration is also heavily updated, but it's a blog not a CMS.


Joined: 2005-08-12
Posts: 14
Posted: Fri, 2005-09-09 20:49

Does Gallery2 talk with PHPNuke? That is, does it share user login credentials?

signe's picture

Joined: 2003-07-27
Posts: 2322
Posted: Fri, 2005-09-09 20:53

If you use the integration, yes. By itself, no.

dmolavi is the author of the integration, and it lives at

dmd's picture

Joined: 2003-06-28
Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 2005-09-23 20:53
G2 has layouts that are similar to G1

It does? Y'all need to do a much better job of showing people how to find them, then, because after about six solid hours of playing with G2, I gave up and said "wow, they spent all that effort making the code really good, and forgot that if it's ugly as sin nobody will use it".

How can I make G2 look like G1?