ZIP Uploading... Gallery not passing to zipinfo!


Joined: 2005-09-13
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2005-09-13 22:00

I have read through the forums to find a method of using unzip.exe to act as the dead zipinfo.exe. This works on a command line (unzip -Z -1 <> ). However, when gallery executes "zipinfo" it is executing "unzip -Z -1" ONLY and is not passing the zip filename! This results in unzip.exe just returning the usage paramters (help screen) for zipinfo to gallery and thus no filename are returned.

The only modifications i have made to core files are ading the "-Z" to util.php, gallery_remote.php, and gallery_remote2.php (changed " -1 " to " -Z -1 ".

I am using v1.5-pl1 on IIS 6. PHP 4.4.

Please help- i NEED zip capabilities and can't think of what else to try...

