Curious.. Can this be fixed (thumb spacing) and a quick color question..


Joined: 2003-10-13
Posts: 11
Posted: Wed, 2005-09-14 21:21

Heya.. I can't seem to find where to change the default blue text color in the classic theme, nor any theme for that matter.

I also noticed something today, when you aren't logged in as an admin (guest viewing) my gallery, the front page shows the thumbnails in a cell that is too large for them:



Joined: 2003-10-13
Posts: 11
Posted: Wed, 2005-09-14 21:22

*edit don't know why this happened*

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Wed, 2005-09-14 21:43

You'd change the text color in theme.css of the theme you want to use

The big space, well, does that show up in every theme? Can you post a link to your site? Try clearing your local browser cache and the template cache (Site Admin > Maintenance)

If that doesn't work, please post a link to your site and your system info
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Joined: 2003-10-13
Posts: 11
Posted: Wed, 2005-09-14 22:09

Oddly enough , clearing the cache did it.. I had done that after install today but i dunno , after doing it again it worked.. :)

The color I'm looking for #00A0FF isn't in the theme.css.. :)

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Thu, 2005-09-15 03:01

You're right, I forgot if you've got a color pack that stuff is in color.css for the color pack

You'd need to change color.css under /modules/colorpack/packs/black/

I'm not sure how the color packs work with local directories, but you can try creating a /local directory in that same directory and seeing if it will pick up your changes from there.


Joined: 2003-10-13
Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 2005-09-15 15:02

It's also not in the color pack, in fact , I grepped for it in the whole gallery directory and it just doesn't seem to exist.. *shrugs*


nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Fri, 2005-09-16 03:03

Yes it is. I was just staring at it the other night.

Right there in color.css:
#gallery a { color: #00a0ff !important; }

If you can provide a link to your site I can take a closer look