G2 (final) + GR 1.4.2-b26 Error on Login: Unknown Host. h.artmkt.com


Joined: 2005-09-16
Posts: 6
Posted: Fri, 2005-09-16 09:58

Hello all,

I've got a problem with Gallery Remote 1.4.2-b26 + Gallery2.

Whenever I try to connect to my gallery install (http://h.artmkt.com/g) I am given the error:

Unknown Host. h.artmkt.com

Twice. Then Its followed by

Gallery Remote can find now protocol implementation at the URL http://h.artmkt.com/g/.
Check with a web browser that http://h.artmkt.com/g/ is a valid gallery URL.

Stuff tried so far:
* Clearing DNS Resolver cache
* Restarts
* Test image to Gallery via web based upload
* Adding an exception to the Windows Firewall
* More Restarts
* Reading Manuals and FAQs

* Searching these forums
* Posting this thread

Soon to try:
* Await replies

GalleryRemoteLog.txt31.34 KB