I just installed gallery2 and it's all working.
I read the g1 to g2 migration wiki file, but I
get stuck when I get to this step:
Go to site admin -> import gallery 1 (at the bottom).
I can't find the import gallery link anywhere...so I must
be doing something wrong or just missing it.
thanx in advance.
Posts: 4
you probably need to install the import module and then the link will appear.
Posts: 6
thanks - that worked.
they should really add that to the wiki.
however this did not import my comments, and i'm doing
an import for a world famous artist who has tonnes of
comments in his gallery1 which he doesn't want to lose
or have seperated from the new gallery - is there a way
to import them?
doktor J
Posts: 794
Comments should have imported. Are you talking about the item captions? If the captions didn't come over then you need to watch the mapping at the bottom before hitting the Prepare Import button. If your talking about a custom field, then you may need to install that module... I haven't played with that much.
By default the title of the item is set to the caption from G1 side and the summary and details are left blank. Obviously you'd need to re-import it to fix it tho.
Posts: 974
Did you turn on the comments module before you did the import?
Posts: 6
sweeet, that worked thanks jmullan.
I looked through the admin options again and didn't
see any options for importing the album/photo views
(as in views per item) and since he has 15,000 views
on one album alone, keeping the views is odviously
important also - I still don't even see where to turn
views on, letalone import view #'s.
any idea?
Posts: 974
Click counts should be imported during migration unless something has gone wrong.
Posts: 6
hmm, perhaps they are being imported but simply not displaying
for any photo/album - is there a flag/switch for this somewhere?
don't see it in the admin settings...