/gallery2/lib/tools/test/ doesn't exist
Q: How can I "zap" my G2 data? How do I easily clear out /g2data and the DB?
A: You can visit the test tools page found at /gallery2/lib/tools/test/ and run the test titled "ResetGallery" or "ReInitializeGallery". You can read the description to see what each does, one is just a little more clearing than the other. If you have manually dropped your DB or some of the files are not deletable by you (for instance, they are owned by the webserver's user) you might find Bharat's Cleanup Script useful. The installer also has a "clean install" option to overwrite existing DB/g2data with a new install.
Posts: 32509
i've updated the faq entry, thanks. but the download link for the cleanup script doesn't work yet (website changes), hence you this:
Posts: 25
it's not so much the permissions that bother me... i was hoping for a script that would clear out my DB and data directory without me having to do it manually...