G2 using 30% and got my account suspended


Joined: 2005-09-16
Posts: 145
Posted: Tue, 2005-10-04 17:29

I had just gotten my hosting account suspended because of the following reason that my provider sent:

"Apperantly you were using up to 30% of the cpu, this is ths solution they gave me to
solve this problem

The site makyar.com was suspended as the script it was using was
overloading our server with "convert" requests.

Please have the client refrain from using the script, and upload their
photos in a compressed format (100k MAX) so that the server will not get
overloaded with image conversion requests."

Are these image conversion requests a one time thing or do they happen every time an image is loaded or only when the image is uploaded for the first time? Also, how can I avoid these convert requests? Is there a way to limit G2 from using more than a certain percentage of CPU?



Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Tue, 2005-10-04 17:47

convert processes are issues everytime you upload new items to your g2 / view albums that have never been viewed before etc.

g2 generates resizes and thumbnails of the uploaded photos once and stores them then on the webserver on the harddisk.

no there's no way to limit G2's CPU hunger.