Additional fields for the registration form


Joined: 2005-08-11
Posts: 134
Posted: Fri, 2005-10-07 22:43

I have a few question to make changes in the Matrix theme, the only theme I use for my database

1 How to get more fields in the registration form, in exactly which file and maybe someone can help me a littlebit
to get started
2 Where can I change the colour of the matrix theme? I use Color Pack Blue Bottle and I maybe want change the colours
a littlebit.Which file?
3 I only use The matrix Theme. Can I delete all the other themes at the server in /gallery2/themes/....

I have still a few questions but for now I would be glad if someone can help me.

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Sat, 2005-10-08 02:56

1) I'm not sure, but this has been requested before. Try searching. I don't think it's an easy mod to make, but I'm not sure

2) If you're using a color pack then you need to edit that color pack, it should be located at:

Try saving it to /modules/colorpack/packs/bluebottle/local/color.css and seeing if that version loads. If it does then edit that copy as it won't be overwritten on an upgrade. Or just copy the [/b]bluebottle[b] directory as a different name so you can have your own colorpack that's not part of the G2 install and it won't get overwritten on an upgrade.

3) yes.

Try to keep each thread to a single topic. Ideally, questions 1 and 2 should've been separate posts from question 1. Then other users with the same question can have a better chance of finding the topic and answers :)
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Joined: 2005-08-11
Posts: 134
Posted: Sat, 2005-10-08 08:46

Thanks for the answers
1. I did search and found something about more fields but I understand later that it does not work for G2, that's why I asked again.
I am new here since 8 weeks an trying to get G 2 running,since that time, in a way I think I like it and suits for me and that is not so easy.
I think it is a great program, but may be a littlebit difficult to transform in a way I can use it also in a more commercial way.
For you it shall be easy to do all you want to do, but I am from before 1965...
I read everything from the forums and printed more than 100 pages to learn from.
In the future I shall put my further questions one after the other.

Happy with your answers, I try to go on to customize my Gallery2

nivekiam's picture

Joined: 2002-12-10
Posts: 16504
Posted: Sat, 2005-10-08 16:57

I can get G2 to do mostly what I want, becuase I only do little tweaks. Some of the more advanced stuff I don't have a clue :)

I did a quick search on the Feature Requests at and found this that looks related to what you're asking for: (11 votes) -- I used 5 of my votes to bump

You can vote on features here:
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