Gallery-Version = 2.0 Kern 1.0.0
PHP-Version = 4.3.4 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.0.49 (Linux/SuSE)
Datenbank = mysql 4.0.18
Werkzeuge = ArchiveUpload, Exif, Gd
Betriebssystem = Linux a15193184 2.6.9-041214 #1 SMP Tue Dec 14 01:56:52 CET 2004 i686
Browser = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
gallery-installation: www.giradoux.de/gallery2/
First I wanted to import the images from gallery1 to gallery2, but it always failed, so I decided to add alle the pictures manually to the new gallery2-installation.
I copied the albums-folders on the filesystem and removed the *highlight*, *thumb*, *sized* to only get the "original"-images.
Finally I added all the pictures and albums to the gallery.
One subalbum seems to be broken:
I cant delete the album, I cant move it...nothing of the pulldown-menu works.
Posts: 32509
how did you add them?
with add item -> from local server?
you're certainly not allowed to just copy stuff manually into g2data/albums/
did you get timeouts / errors during your import / add item?
did you do a fresh g2 installation after your g1 import failed? you should have.
(please answer all questions)
Posts: 13
yes, I installed the g2 about 10 times in the last days...
Posts: 32509
important: reinstalling G2 = do not choose "reuse db tables" in the database setup step of the installer
did you already reinstall g2 and again do the item add from local server?
is the same subalbum broken every time?
Posts: 13
I always deleted the whole database...!!!
I will try that...!
Posts: 13
my installation failed (again):
Error (ERROR_PLATFORM_FAILURE) : /home/htdocs/web3/html/gallery2/g2data/locks/0/1/1
in modules/core/classes/FlockLockSystem.class at line 261 (gallerystatus::error)
in modules/core/classes/FlockLockSystem.class at line 69 (flocklocksystem::_acquirelock)
in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryLockHelper_simple.class at line 66 (flocklocksystem::acquirereadlock)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 2068 (gallerylockhelper_simple::acquirereadlock)
in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class at line 1120 (gallerycoreapi::acquirereadlock)
in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class at line 201 (gallerypermissionhelper_advanced::_getaccesslistcompacterlock)
in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryPermissionHelper_advanced.class at line 80 (gallerypermissionhelper_advanced::_changepermission)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 671 (gallerypermissionhelper_advanced::addgrouppermission)
in modules/core/CoreModuleExtras.inc at line 1720 (gallerycoreapi::addgrouppermission)
in ??? at line 0 (coremoduleextras::_createrootalbumitem)
in modules/core/CoreModuleExtras.inc at line 206
in modules/core/module.inc at line 490 (coremoduleextras::upgrade)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryModule.class at line 158 (coremodule::upgrade)
in install/steps/InstallCoreModuleStep.class at line 124 (coremodule::installorupgrade)
in install/index.php at line 167 (installcoremodulestep::loadtemplatedata)
Posts: 32509
did the installation fail before too?
just as a note: if the installation step 8 (install core module) doesn't work in a single run, then you have to empty your db and g2data folder. if a refresh is necessary, things are likely to be broken.
so please try again. empty g2data, empty db, then start the installer at step 1.
Posts: 13
yep, this happens every 2nd time...I always remove the whole gallery-folder and delete the database...
Ok, I created the album just like the other times and added the subalbum with all the pictures of the folder and pressed the button. And then there is only a blank page and the album is broken...!
I tried it four times, always the same -> I press the button -> blank page -> broken subalbum:
Posts: 32509
you delete for every g2 install the whole gallery2 folder? that's not necessary. just have have to delete everything in g2data and the database.
if you delete the whole gallery2 folder, you have to make sure afterwards that the g2 file integrity check still returns success.
@blank page:
where do you get this blank page first? already during the add item from local server process? if so, this would explain the problems you experience afterwards.
Posts: 13
normally you type in the directory -> choose the pictures -> press the button -> a screen appears with something like "successfully added XX files" -> it works
the blank page is instead of the "successfully added XX files"-page
Posts: 32509
ok thanks.
well that explains it. something went wrong during the add process.
when you only select this single subalbum in the add item method, no other albums, does it still fail?
you should take a look at your apache error log, probably there's the reason for the blank page.
and else:
activate immediate or even better 'logged' debug mode and do the add item process again. then we get debug information and should be able to identify the problem.
Posts: 13
[Mon Oct 10 10:45:32 2005] [error] [client] Options FollowSymLinks or SymLinksIfOwnerMatch is off which implies that RewriteRu
le directive is forbidden: /home/htdocs/web3/html/gallery2/modules/rewrite/data/mod_rewrite_no_options/gallery2/Rewrite.txt
[Mon Oct 10 10:45:32 2005] [alert] [client] /home/htdocs/web3/html/gallery2/modules/rewrite/data/mod_rewrite/gallery2/.htacces
s: Options not allowed here
Posts: 32509
heh, 10:45 is that when you used the add item from local server method?
i'd disable the rewrite module for now in site admin -> modules. but i doubt that this has anything to do with your add item problem.
please go forward with the logged debugging attempt.
Posts: 13
there was no debugging-output...only the blank-page again!
it doesnt work if I let the gallery get the pictures of another website...the same blankpage-problem... ( http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_kaputt/ )
what is wrong with these pictures!???!??
Posts: 32509
did you try "logged" debugging?
i don't think so.
FAQ: How to set/use Gallery in debug mode?
and once you the blank page, you should look at your debug log file.
Posts: 13
there is no debug-output...
Posts: 32509
- you must create /home/htdocs/web3/html/gallery2/error.log before
- you must chmod it 777 such that the webserver user can write to it
- replace the setDebug(false) line. do not add an additional line setDebug('logged')
Posts: 13
Smarty Debug Console
included templates & config files (load time in seconds):
gallery:themes/matrix/templates/theme.tpl (1,41804) (total)
gallery:modules/core/templates/blocks/SystemLinks.tpl (0,01085)
gallery:modules/core/templates/blocks/BreadCrumb.tpl (0,01103)
gallery:themes/matrix/templates/admin.tpl (0,03607)
gallery:modules/core/templates/ItemAdmin.tpl (0,03413)
gallery:modules/core/templates/blocks/NavigationLinks.tpl (0,00209)
gallery:modules/core/templates/ItemAdd.tpl (0,02239)
gallery:modules/core/templates/ItemAddFromWeb.tpl (0,01913)
gallery:modules/core/templates/CreateThumbnailOption.tpl (0,00244)
assigned template variables:
{$ItemAdd} Array (7)
addPlugin => ItemAddFromWeb
plugins => Array (3)
0 => Array (3)
title => Vom Web Browser
id => ItemAddFromBrowser
isSelected =>
1 => Array (3)
title => Vom Gallery-Server
id => ItemAddFromServer
isSelected =>
2 => Array (3)
title => Von anderer Webseite
id => ItemAddFromWeb
isSelected => 1
isAdmin => 1
pluginL10Domain => modules_core
pluginFile => modules/core/templates/ItemAddFromWeb...
options => Array (1)
0 => Array (2)
l10Domain => modules_core
file => modules/core/templates/CreateThumbnai...
hasToolkit => 1
{$ItemAddFromWeb} Array (2)
webPageUrlCount => 36
recentUrls => Array (1)
0 => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
{$ItemAdmin} Array (12)
navigationLinks => Array (1)
0 => Array (2)
url => http://www.giradoux.de/gallery2/main....
name => Zurück zu: Album
viewBodyFile => modules/core/templates/ItemAdd.tpl
item => Array (22)
_className => galleryalbumitem
id => 422
creationTimestamp => 1128958269
isLinkable => 0
linkId => empty
modificationTimestamp => 1128958269
serialNumber => 1
entityType => GalleryAlbumItem
onLoadHandlers => empty
parentId => 7
pathComponent => asdf
canContainChildren => 1
description => empty
keywords => empty
ownerId => 6
summary => empty
title => asdfasdf
viewedSinceTimestamp => 1128958269
originationTimestamp => 1128958269
theme => empty
orderBy => empty
orderDirection => asc
parents => Array (1)
0 => Array (22)
_className => galleryalbumitem
id => 7
creationTimestamp => 1128952097
isLinkable => 0
linkId => empty
modificationTimestamp => 1128958269
serialNumber => 5
entityType => GalleryAlbumItem
onLoadHandlers => empty
parentId => 0
pathComponent => empty
canContainChildren => 1
description => Dies ist die Startseite Ihrer Gallery
keywords => empty
ownerId => 6
summary => empty
title => Gallery
viewedSinceTimestamp => 1128952097
originationTimestamp => 1128952097
theme => empty
orderBy => empty
orderDirection => asc
parent => Array (22)
_className => galleryalbumitem
id => 7
creationTimestamp => 1128952097
isLinkable => 0
linkId => empty
modificationTimestamp => 1128958269
serialNumber => 5
entityType => GalleryAlbumItem
onLoadHandlers => empty
parentId => 0
pathComponent => empty
canContainChildren => 1
description => Dies ist die Startseite Ihrer Gallery
keywords => empty
ownerId => 6
summary => empty
title => Gallery
viewedSinceTimestamp => 1128952097
originationTimestamp => 1128952097
theme => empty
orderBy => empty
orderDirection => asc
itemType => Array (2)
0 => Album
1 => Album
isRootAlbum =>
thumbnail => empty
subViewChoices => Array (7)
Album bearbeiten => Array (3)
view => core.ItemAdmin
subView => core.ItemEdit
itemId => 422
Album hinzufügen => Array (3)
view => core.ItemAdmin
subView => core.ItemAddAlbum
itemId => 422
Album löschen => Array (3)
view => core.ItemAdmin
subView => core.ItemDeleteSingle
itemId => 422
Album verschieben => Array (3)
view => core.ItemAdmin
subView => core.ItemMoveSingle
itemId => 422
Berechtigungen ändern => Array (3)
view => core.ItemAdmin
subView => core.ItemPermissions
itemId => 422
Elemente hinzufügen => Array (4)
view => core.ItemAdmin
subView => core.ItemAdd
active => 1
itemId => 422
Kommentare betrachten => Array (3)
view => core.ItemAdmin
subView => comment.ShowComments
itemId => 422
viewL10Domain => modules_core
isSiteAdmin => 1
enctype => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
{$SCRIPT_NAME} /gallery2/main.php
{$controller} core.ItemAdd
{$form} Array (5)
formName => ItemAddFromWeb
webPage => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
action => Array (1)
findFilesFromWebPage => Suche Dateien
webPageUrls => Array (36)
0 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/icons/bla...
itemType => Photo
1 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/icons/bac...
itemType => Photo
2 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/icons/ima...
itemType => Photo
3 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
4 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
5 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
6 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
7 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
8 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
9 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
10 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
11 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
12 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
13 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
14 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
15 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
16 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
17 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
18 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
19 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
20 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
21 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
22 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
23 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
24 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
25 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
26 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
27 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
28 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
29 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
30 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
31 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
32 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
33 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
34 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/lincoln_k...
itemType => Photo
35 => Array (2)
url => http://clyde.localh0rst.net/icons/tex...
itemType => Photo
set => Array (3)
title => 1
summary => 0
description => 0
{$head} Array (3)
tpl => Array (0)
style => Array (1)
0 => modules/icons/iconpacks/paularmstrong...
title => Gallery Element Administration
{$l10Domain} themes_matrix
{$status} Array (0)
{$theme} Array (14)
useFullScreen =>
themeUrl => http://www.giradoux.de/gallery2/theme...
guestPreviewMode => 0
actingUserId => 6
markupType => bbcode
params => Array (11)
albumBlocks => Array (1)
0 => Array (2)
0 => comment.ViewComments
1 => Array (0)
columns => 3
photoBlocks => Array (2)
0 => Array (2)
0 => exif.ExifInfo
1 => Array (0)
1 => Array (2)
0 => comment.ViewComments
1 => Array (0)
rows => 3
showAlbumOwner => 1
showImageOwner => 0
showMicroThumbs => 0
sidebarBlocks => Array (4)
0 => Array (2)
0 => search.SearchBlock
1 => Array (1)
showAdvancedLink => 1
1 => Array (2)
0 => core.ItemLinks
1 => Array (1)
useDropdown =>
2 => Array (2)
0 => core.PeerList
1 => Array (0)
3 => Array (2)
0 => imageblock.ImageBlock
1 => Array (0)
_requiredCoreApi => 6,5
_requiredThemeApi => 2,1
_version => 1.0.0
pageType => admin
adminTemplate => modules/core/templates/ItemAdmin.tpl
adminL10Domain => modules_core
item => Array (22)
_className => galleryalbumitem
id => 422
creationTimestamp => 1128958269
isLinkable => 0
linkId => empty
modificationTimestamp => 1128958269
serialNumber => 1
entityType => GalleryAlbumItem
onLoadHandlers => empty
parentId => 7
pathComponent => asdf
canContainChildren => 1
description => empty
keywords => empty
ownerId => 6
summary => empty
title => asdfasdf
viewedSinceTimestamp => 1128958269
originationTimestamp => 1128958269
theme => empty
orderBy => empty
orderDirection => asc
children => Array (0)
parents => Array (1)
0 => Array (22)
_className => galleryalbumitem
id => 7
creationTimestamp => 1128952097
isLinkable => 0
linkId => empty
modificationTimestamp => 1128958269
serialNumber => 5
entityType => GalleryAlbumItem
onLoadHandlers => empty
parentId => 0
pathComponent => empty
canContainChildren => 1
description => Dies ist die Startseite Ihrer Gallery
keywords => empty
ownerId => 6
summary => empty
title => Gallery
viewedSinceTimestamp => 1128952097
originationTimestamp => 1128952097
theme => empty
orderBy => empty
orderDirection => asc
parent => Array (22)
_className => galleryalbumitem
id => 7
creationTimestamp => 1128952097
isLinkable => 0
linkId => empty
modificationTimestamp => 1128958269
serialNumber => 5
entityType => GalleryAlbumItem
onLoadHandlers => empty
parentId => 0
pathComponent => empty
canContainChildren => 1
description => Dies ist die Startseite Ihrer Gallery
keywords => empty
ownerId => 6
summary => empty
title => Gallery
viewedSinceTimestamp => 1128952097
originationTimestamp => 1128952097
theme => empty
orderBy => empty
orderDirection => asc
systemLinks => Array (3)
core.SiteAdmin => Array (2)
text => Site-Administration
params => Array (2)
view => core.SiteAdmin
return => 1
core.YourAccount => Array (2)
text => Ihr Konto
params => Array (3)
view => core.UserAdmin
subView => core.UserPreferences
return => 1
core.Logout => Array (2)
text => Abmelden
params => Array (2)
controller => core.Logout
return => 1
{$user} Array (17)
_className => galleryuser
id => 6
creationTimestamp => 1128952097
isLinkable => 0
linkId => empty
modificationTimestamp => 1128952097
serialNumber => 1
entityType => GalleryUser
onLoadHandlers => empty
userName => admin
fullName => Gallery-Administrator
hashedPassword =>
email => empty
language => empty
isGuest =>
isRegisteredUser => 1
isAdmin => 1
assigned config file variables (outer template scope):
{#files#} Array (0)
{#vars#} Array (0)
sorry, my fault.
Posts: 32509
no, i wasn't talking about the smarty debug console.
np, you couldn't know.
the debug output for logged debugging is in the debug file you specify, in /home/htdocs/web3/html/gallery2/error.log .
Posts: 13
ok, I thought that would be enough...because the log-file is about 4mb...
Posts: 32509
arg, of course the log file is long. i hoped you'd only log the 2, 3 requests to get to the error. now i've got tons of other requests in there that are not related to the error and i have to find out where you stopped doing debug stuff.
ah, it's not 4mb, you exaggerated
seems like your php died during a GD operation.
1. disable the GD module in G2
2. try adding the album again
3. if the problem persists, disable also the exif module
4. i guess it was the GD module, so 2. should have worked. but of course you need a imge toolkit. what's your php memory limit? please post a phpinfo link (or just change your limit to a lot more than you have right now). and then activate the gd module again and 2. should work with gd activated.
Posts: 13
1. done
2. it works (no thumbnails of course - I will try imagemagick oder netpbm)
3. exif is already disabled
4. my php memory limit is 16M www.giradoux.de/phpinfo.php
thank you for your help...and sorry for the 4mb-logfile ;)
Posts: 13
everything works fine with netpbm...!!!!
Posts: 32509
good. case closed then
most probably it would have worked with GD too, but you'd have needed a lot more memory.