I'm using Matrix theme which I have modified using different colors and a new logo
I have it nearly the way I want it, but I don't know where in the CSS code to change one thing.
I'm adding photos to a gallery so I'm on the 'add items' page, and the caption field is #cccccc when I have my cursor in it and white when I don't. I can't see what I type in the caption field. When I move my cursor to another field, the text shows up black. I can't figure out what I did, or where in the CSS to change this.
I'd like to make it so when I type in the field, I am seeing the letters as I type.
Can anyone help?
Posts: 16504
Have a look at this in theme.css
Those are the default values. Can't help much more without seeing the page myself.
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Posts: 14
thanks, that worked!