Without a very long story, i have my albums dir from a 1.4x install of gallery, but that is it. Can I download a new copy of 1.4 and just drop the directory into the file structure? If so, where can i download 1.4?
Else, how can I upgrade just the albums dir to 1.5? I tried dropping it into a 1.5 install and it "detect[s] the following 82 invalid album(s) in your albums directory" -
using (now):
Red Hat 3.4.4-2
Apache 2
PHP 4.3.9
Posts: 6818
If g1.5 detects 82 invalid albums, then G1.4 or 1.whatever will do the same.
Last Gallery v1 developer and translation manager.
Posts: 2
Okay - then what makes them invalid? There must be a fix to this...