couple things I would like in the PGTheme and wondering the easiest way to do it.
How do I get the items:
Under each Picture/Album? Like the Matrix theme does...
Im sure there just a setting im missing right?
or is there something i have to hack? 
Thanks in advance
Posts: 8601
look in matrix album.tpl where it uses g->block for core.ItemInfo
do something similar in PGtheme tpl.
Posts: 2
I started to look at that. Decided it was a bit to err... time wasting :P to mess with.
I looked harder into the PGTheme options and found what i wanted (silly me). Theres a show information option
which is exactly what i wanted.
Posts: 39
PG Theme
How can I decrease the load time for the photos?
How can disable the fade in ,if needed?
Posts: 8601
Moving to 3rd party support forum.
artnpics.. not sure, but did you look through the theme settings to turn off the fade?
Posts: 1642
As with the previous question you asked, there is the option to disable the fade in in the theme admin.