The following information is required to get an answer:
Get this information from the PHP diagnostic (in the configuration wizard).
Gallery URL (optional but very useful): not live yet
Gallery version:1.5.1
Apache version: 1.3.33
PHP version (don't just say PHP 4, please): 5.0.3
Graphics Toolkit: Netpbm
Operating system:Mac OSX 10.3.9
Web browser/version (if applicable):
Thanks for a great product! I have it installed on my local machine to test. I am fairly new to this so I was wondering how I can send users straight to a login screen that allows a password protected view of the gallery only ? Obviously when they get in I don't want the url to be copy/pastable to anyone, but to send them back to a login screen again if they try it.. ;-)
Could anyone point me in the right direction for learning this process please?
Thanks again for your time.
Posts: 47
Hi Tim_cee,
For the solution you want, you will have to change the permissions of your top album. In this case, go to top-album and choose 'edit permissions'. Now remove the permissions of 'everybody' and assign the permissions you want to your users.
The visitors will now get a login screen when they visit your gallery.
Posts: 2
Thanks Arjen!
That's just what I was looking for!![:-)](
Posts: 397
I've searched the forums for this and didn't find reference tho it may exist...
In a similar login scenario, it would be most excellent to be able to assign a "Home" album for a user after registration or creation of an account. Case in point are wedding photography, where creating an a username could create an album 'owned' by the username, but if there was a need to create a second username with lesser permissions, they still need to be able to go directly to the wedding album. If there was a way to assign to a username the album they are placed inside after login, this would be a nice feature.
Posts: 5
What do you mean by TOP album...the first one? When I go there I do not see "edit permissions" I am confused. Can you help.