Problems using login.php


Joined: 2005-11-22
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2005-11-22 08:02

Hi guys,

I'm trying to use WinHTTrack to produce an offline copy of a password protected album on my gallery (version v1.4.4-pl4). I followed the explanations on: regarding using login.php to set username and password.
But when I try to download the album all unprotected albums are downloaded and not the protected one.

I tried to use the login.php separately, to see if HTTrack can do perform the login (username and password changed):

But I do end up with a page showing "Error: Invalid username or password" and input fields for the credentials. I can enter the ones provided in the URL and I'm able to log on. So the username/password combination is valid.

Could someone help me? Any help greatly appreciated!

Thank you,
