you sure you have the correct FlashVideoRenderer.class?
Its working here.
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Sat, 2006-07-29 00:47
oh, you've posted several revisions of the swf.. i didn't go back far enough to find the renderer updates.
ok, so that works.. but may need refactoring. i happened to try it in floatrix theme, which centers the item display. when i clicked the button to resize the player, the top-left didn't move so now it extended far out to the right. ideas?
Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Sat, 2006-07-29 01:05
What if we give that div a high z-index? and possibly a float - I hate floats!
or would we then have to use absolute positioning - hate those too
Anyone with a Doctorate in css?
But seriously - through the included js function we could give that div any style we need, but will it work?
Joined: 2006-06-13
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Posted: Sat, 2006-07-29 01:22
what's the styling code like now?
I'll give it a go.
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Posted: Sat, 2006-07-29 01:53
well, first we set our div's width and height to the flv's on initial render:
and then when the resize icon is clicked via flash's external interface the js is fired to change the style of the div giving it new width and height based on some calculations done within flash:
function divResize(ID,nw,nh) {
so maybe if we try the zindex:
function divResize(ID,nw,nh) {
I did a quick google on z-index and got this site from the boyz in redmond.
but it mentions
The zIndex property only applies to objects that have the position property set to relative or absolute.
So how do we decide the position?
Joined: 2006-06-13
Posts: 28
Posted: Sat, 2006-07-29 02:14
The div should stretch by itself when the flash is inside it, so there is no need for width and height.
Try just <div align="center">
That should float on its own and resize within the contents.
Joined: 2005-04-17
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Posted: Sat, 2006-07-29 02:26
Nope, the swf is set to 100% width and height to fill the container. You cannot resize the swf using styles.
Joined: 2006-06-13
Posts: 28
Posted: Sat, 2006-07-29 02:30
Is there an online version of what you're working on?
Joined: 2005-04-17
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Posted: Sat, 2006-07-29 02:53
Actually I'm working on the flash slide show ;)
I was hoping mindless was trying this out
Joined: 2004-01-04
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Posted: Sat, 2006-07-29 03:09
i hacked something together, it is in svn now. ghostienz/suprsidr, feel free to suggest improvements.
Morbus Iff
Joined: 2006-06-09
Posts: 6
Posted: Sat, 2006-07-29 13:08
So, I'm using today's svn - seeing the commit of the full screen thing. Some concerns. There isn't a download link for the movie. Shouldn't there be? (There should be for me, at least. Very important that I share everything.). Also, the Full Screen works, but overshoots its bounds in Firefox What seems to happen is that it's getting the browser's window size, and then filling up to those dimensions. However, this ignores theme elements like sidebars and headers (I'm using the Matrix theme), so the full sized Flash window causes scrollbars to appear on the right and bottom of the browser window, and I am unable, even on maximizing, to see the full video itself.
What may be useful is to go from "constrained" to "not constrained". I've no idea if this is possible. The constrained version would start out as the dimensions of the video itself. The unconstrained version would fill the available space, growing bigger and smaller as the browser does. For an example of what I'm talking about, take a look at any Google Video:
I have read this whole topic and got very very lost....
I would love to convert my avi, mpeg and 3gp to flv files...
However I have no idea where, what i need to install the files need to run this great software.. looked a few peeps website and the vids look great!
Any help would be great.. please don't bad mouth me too much..
Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-03 02:28
The Flash Vidoe module is part of the next release of Gallery2 (v2.2).
If you would like to try it out, consider upgrading to the latest nightly release of Gallery2.
Joined: 2002-06-11
Posts: 38
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-03 06:25
If maybe suprsidr answer was not enough for Darknova's understanding I like to elaborate.
To be able to show flashvideo in your Gallery you would need to install SVN and get the latest nightly build from there. That maybe a big hurdle already. The next step would be to convert your avi's/video's to the FLV format. That is also a little hurdle and needs a lot of processing time. If your level of knowledge of computers is intermediaite I would suggest to wait for v2.2. It took me 5 hours to get to understand SVN, install the correct nigthly snapshot and to upload my first FLV (flash video file) succesfully. I'm definitely not an Einstein, but I'm experienced.
Joined: 2006-08-02
Posts: 12
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-03 08:35
I think it would be best to wait until the next version, it already took me about 2 days to setup my gallery! Cheers for the help.
Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-03 11:29
Actually Arthur, you do not need to install subversion(svn) to get the latest nightly. Just download the latest nightly from Jesse's site.
Joined: 2006-08-02
Posts: 12
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-03 15:35
OK, another noob question... I am really sorry about this...
I have uploaded the avi... however it has not been converted to avi...?
I am using the lastest Nightly from jesse... any ideas... help...
Nice player. I would like to suggest being able to seek later in the video, and have it pause/rebuffer, and continue from that point. Similar to google.
As im playing with it, watching one of your movies, it would be useful to be able to skip to the middle of the movie and start playing from that point.
Also i think the mouseover for the controls popping up and leaving needs work. seems if i mouse on, they turn on, then i mouse off, nothing happens. then i mouse over again they'll turn off. they should only be visible when your hovering, then as soon as you leave they should fade out.
looking great though, I can't wait to start converting my videos over. Might I suggest Riva FLV encoder (its free) to users who wish to encode their videos locally before upload. (though it would be really nice to see a server side processor.)
Quoting myself
Somehow Riva Encoder fails to even start on my Win2003 server so I tried Sorenson Squeeze, thanks to Supersidr's info. Am I correct in that for full compatability the best codec to use for creating an FLV is the Spark Pro from Sorenson? And that that limit is because that is the best FLV codec that FFmpeg supports at this stage?
Morbus Iff
Joined: 2006-06-09
Posts: 6
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-03 16:43
And for those of you who don't use Windows, flvtool2 adds the metadata for seeking just fine.
suprsidr: any thoughts on my problems with the fullscreen tweak above?
Joined: 2006-08-02
Posts: 12
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-03 18:22
Duh, I need to convert my video files before I upload them.... LOL sorry about that! I thought the gallery would reprocess them! Sorry for wasting you time!
**UPDATE** -- Hey it worked! I am very happy, cheers for that!
Now I only have two questions left...
1. How to I integrate the nightly version with my already configure and arranged gallery?
2. If I update to a nightly version will I still be able to update to the final version when it comes out...?
I really appreciate the help, I am a complete novice at this as you may be able to tell...
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-03 21:46
keep in mind nightly snapshots are not officially supported releases... but: 1) just unzip/untar the nightly snapshot on top of your existing install, then bring it up in your browser and you'll see the upgrader. 2) yes, you'll be able to install G2.2 release on top of this when it comes out.
Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-03 22:32
suprsidr: any thoughts on my problems with the fullscreen tweak above?
Actually I'm not crazy about the current state of the resize function.
I can see the problem that mindless pointed out with themes that center the display.
And for now his solution will have to do.
But I rolled back to my original version as my site does not use such themes, and mindless' solution looks like hell on my site as the video steps outside its bounds and leaves my dropshadow frame behind.
The swf calculates the new "fullscreen" size base on 90% of available screen width, and then calculates the height based on the video's original ratio.
I "browsed" google's js used for window resizing, and there might be a solution. But without reworking the themes, I don't see it working for all.
We'll keep looking, and if you find a better solution - please let us know.
Joined: 2006-08-02
Posts: 12
Posted: Fri, 2006-08-04 10:33
OK... My Gallery is updated! Great... dont need to upload the pictures again, I have convert my avi to flv... uploaded and get the error message --
Input file onealpha.flv exceeds maximum permitted file size
I have look at this thread and tried to understand what i need to do and.... didn't understand!
What file do i need to edit and where do i put the new code...?
Joined: 2002-06-11
Posts: 38
Posted: Fri, 2006-08-04 10:55
please search the rest of the threads first. This question has been answered a couple of times.
Joined: 2006-08-02
Posts: 12
Posted: Fri, 2006-08-04 12:49
As i have said if you read my comment! I have read the thread...! But I having trouble understanding it and wondered if someone could clear it up for me!
Joined: 2002-06-11
Posts: 38
Posted: Fri, 2006-08-04 12:58
I'm talking about the threads in the rest of the forum. Do a search with "exceeds maximum permitted file size" and you will find.
Joined: 2006-08-02
Posts: 12
Posted: Fri, 2006-08-04 13:26
OK... I have searched for the information and found an answer on this thread, so you telling me what to search for doesn’t help, it just shows you haven’t read or understood my question!...
HOWEVER.... I still don't understand.... that means if I read it a million times it still wont make sense! As was explained in my original post about this issue.
So what I am asking for is a clearer understanding of what I need to do!
Hence I have added the comment for assistance, so get off your high horse, and only post if your going to help!
In addtion your second comment is not helpful nor is it constructive to finding an answer to my issue!
Morbus Iff
Joined: 2006-06-09
Posts: 6
Posted: Fri, 2006-08-04 13:35
Your question has absolutely nothing to do with video files or the information provided in this thread. It'd happen with a supremely large image file too. Please stop being off-topic in this thread, or assured that you're right and Arthur is wrong (because Arthur is right).
Joined: 2006-08-02
Posts: 12
Posted: Fri, 2006-08-04 13:48
OK.... this whole thing is going off topic, I am not wanting a bitching contest, with anyone! End of Topic... I wont discuss what he said she said anymore blah, blah, blah! End.
My issue was that I don't understand how to implement the size issue fix in this thread and thusly posted a response, in the thread where I found the fix.. thinking everyone has been so helpful so far with me they wouldn't mind giving me a hand.
The issue is with the flv file, which is a flash video file. Once again, I posted here because there is a fix on here but I don't understand how to implement it...
Joined: 2002-06-11
Posts: 38
Posted: Fri, 2006-08-04 14:05
my manner of answering was not the most helpfull I agree. But that was because your way of asking the question makes it hard to infer what you do not understand.
And somehow the search function of the forum does not work correctly, because I searched (normal and advanced) for "exceeds maximum permitted file size" and only your posting comes up. And I know for sure that this particular topic has been discussed a lot.
I appreciated you giving me a hand with this! It's just computers, they drive me mad... but I am persevering and I really do appreciated this!
The fixed worked great, thanks for the redirect! Time to upload my family videos... HAHA!
Joined: 2006-06-16
Posts: 65
Posted: Sat, 2006-08-05 09:43
this looks so great and fantastic. thanks.....
I've tried the test clip on your site, and I found that all the function buttons are plain, with no icon/text (I guess it's play, stop, FF etc) even though it seems functioning. Is it normal?
I'm viewing it on Firefox under GNU/Linux with Flash Player 7.
Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Sat, 2006-08-05 12:05
this player requires flashplayer 8 or higher. They just skipped that one for linux, they promise flashplayer 9 soon.
so it would look much nicer on a different os.
Joined: 2006-06-16
Posts: 65
Posted: Sat, 2006-08-05 12:51
woo, that's the quickest reply I've had here
thanks for letting me know. hope version 9 is coming out soon then....
looking forward to 2.2 (this nice improvement will be included right?)
thanks once again
Joined: 2006-02-14
Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-10 01:59
So where are we at with this addition guys? I have recently added video to my gallery and using this functionality seems like a choice thing to do. I came here looking for a solution to my issue and found this thread. I am using the ffmpeg module to create the thumb nails and that worked fine but when I click a thumb nail of a video (DiVX encoded) I get to the page and have a square telling me to download a missing plugin (FireFox) and it loads fine on IE but of course takes forewver because the entire file has to download before it starts playing. I think that flash video would be an awesome addition and would solve the need to download the entire file before it plays. I would also like to have a direct download link so the user can save the original DiVX file to their pc if they so desire, along with the embedded flash playing. Is this going to be possible with this addition?
So when will the next RC be released? If not for a while, wehre can I find the latest cvs or svn nightly build that will have this functionality? When upgrading, can I just unzip the new version on top of my old version?
Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-10 02:51
1st there may be some missunderstanding. This flashvideo module does NOT convert your original divx, wmv, mpeg, mov, avi .... into flash video. You must convert them to flv beforehand.
There was discussion early on in this thread about server-side conversion, but it was ruled too cpu/memory/time expensive to really consider.
And yes you can unzip on top of your old version (backing up first of course). Also remember, any edited template files should be in their own directory ie. themes/matrix/templates/local.
Joined: 2006-02-14
Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-10 03:53
Yeah I assumed as much. I am just using ffmpeg to convert and it seems to be working fine. I wrote a small perl script to do batch conversion so I launch it, walk away and come back later and add the flv files to my gallery. My last issues/suggestion would be to allow for a download link to show for the original file while the flash file is playing. I know users will love the inline viewing of flash but some may still want a local copy of their own.
Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-10 04:15
We came upon a problem with the download link in another of my swf projects here.
Gallery generates an encoded url with a view attached . Although this may work with flvs as your browser does not know how to handle them and would default to save_as. Other formats default to the plugin assigned to handle them. eg. a .mov would open in quicktime plugin.
Joined: 2006-02-14
Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-10 04:22
Yeah I am talking about having the flv file play in the flash player and also offer a download link for the avi/mpg file. The system would have to know where each directory lived as far as the flash files and the avi/mpg files but would still be a nice addition. If you could just have the user designate the flash dir and the source file directory, you could parse the flash file name and do a regexp to replace the .flv with .avi or .mpg or whatever the user designates as the source file extension and concantenate that onto the source file directory and then offer a link.
Joined: 2006-02-14
Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-10 04:32
The latest build is not playing the flash files in IE either...
Joined: 2006-08-23
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2006-08-23 08:43
This is hands down one of the best improvements to gallery ever. This coming from a video head. I do wonder 2 things why do videos encoded using Adobe flash encoder with On2VP6 codec not work. I know ffmpeg cannot read those but they should still work unless the g2flv.swf does not support them. Not having the thumbnails and size info is not a big deal in a sense when you think the quality will be 30% better or you will be using 30% less bandwidth. Also would be cool to be able to just embed an object witin an item page coming from an external link. This way you could have thumbnails that point to videos coming from other networks. Let me know if anyone needs encoding testing or FLV player creation help that's where I can help.
Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Wed, 2006-08-23 10:21
On2VP6 codec not work?
Sure it does.
Joined: 2006-08-23
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2006-08-24 17:38
on2vp6 works? ok then I must have something missing in my toolkit. When I upload sparks codec the gallery recognizes them as movies. But otherwise it thinks it just a "File" and not a "Movie" when I go to edit it says "edit file" if I look at the tab for thumbnail I get the follow error info:
Error Detail -
* in modules/ffmpeg/classes/FfmpegToolkit.class at line 163 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
* in modules/ffmpeg/classes/FfmpegToolkit.class at line 46 (FfmpegToolkit::_getMovieDimensions)
* in modules/thumbpage/ at line 158 (FfmpegToolkit::getProperty)
* in modules/thumbpage/ at line 100 (ItemEditThumbOffset::_getDuration)
* in modules/core/ at line 284 (ItemEditThumbOffset::loadTemplate)
* in modules/core/ at line 144 (ItemEditView::loadTemplate)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryView.class at line 307 (ItemAdminView::loadTemplate)
* in main.php at line 387 (GalleryView::doLoadTemplate)
* in main.php at line 86
* in main.php at line 79
System Information
Gallery version 2.2-svn
PHP version 5.1.4 apache2handler
Webserver Apache/2.2.2 (Fedora)
Database mysqli 5.0.22
Toolkits SquareThumb, ImageMagick
Operating system Linux 2.6.17-1.2157_FC5 #1 Tue Jul 11 22:55:46 EDT 2006 i686
Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/
I know the mime types are set correctly so this is not the issue. All my files were encoded using the latest version of Macromedia Flash encoder 8 from the Studio 8 CD.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Joined: 2005-04-17
Posts: 8339
Posted: Fri, 2006-08-25 00:12
I had some trouble uploading flvs encoded with On2 on my win2k3 server, but not on my linux box.
I think I had to disable ffmpeg module to upload on win2k3 not uninstall, just disable. Then I had to create custom thumbs.
But they do play on my player, see here. Mr and Mrs Smith, I have both On2 and Spark Pro.
I'm not sure why your server is not recognizing the files as movies. Maybe the error created by ffmpeg is clouding gallery's judgement so to speak.(you might want to try disabling ffmpeg for upload like I do for windows and see if that remedies the problem)
Until ffmpeg supports On2 I would suggest my workaround or use Spark for now.
On another note, I was just about to release an XML version of the flv player, but I cannot seem to get Gallery to create a feed for albums of movies (with the enclosure tag - important).
This player can be placed where ever one would want, like my XML slideShow app.
So I will continue working on the feed issue for now.
Joined: 2003-10-06
Posts: 70
Posted: Fri, 2006-08-25 04:53
it took some time reading through all these post, but they answered all my questions to get this up and running, thank you.. this Rocks!
Most my friends use firefox, but is there a way to fix IE so a user doesn't have to click on the black box to start the movie? or is this something on my end, since IE s never opened, i may have a setting incorrect.
Thank and again, great module!
Joined: 2006-08-23
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2006-08-25 07:00
suprsidr, You are right. ffmpeg barfs and throws gallery2 off on the add items import. Once I deactivated ffmpeg I could add the On2VP6 flv movies just fine. I still had to add the movie size and the thumbnail which makes it really tedious. But when you think it will save 30% of the storage and transfer it might be worth it for some folks. I think for now I will encode my trip home videos in sparks so I don't hassle with all the manual stuff but it's good to know the options. Hope this helps.
Joined: 2003-10-06
Posts: 70
Posted: Fri, 2006-08-25 12:57
I tried a different theme and it seems the the IE thing (clicking to start movie) is only in the one theme i was using, all others seem fine
Joined: 2003-10-06
Posts: 70
Posted: Fri, 2006-08-25 14:01
Now that I have this all running, is there a way to link to the flash files and have them play in my forums? Like I can with youtube and google?
(line breaks added so this post isn't 10 foot wide)
The var to stop autoplay would probably be very useful in these type of instances
now all I need is a module that will pull this info automaticly and add it to the side of video or Pic.. I.E. If you like to add this to your site or blog, use this code (but this could cause a bandwidth nightmare!)
Thanks for the help and thanks all for this great module
Posts: 8339
you sure you have the correct FlashVideoRenderer.class?
Its working here.
Posts: 8601
oh, you've posted several revisions of the swf.. i didn't go back far enough to find the renderer updates.
ok, so that works.. but may need refactoring. i happened to try it in floatrix theme, which centers the item display. when i clicked the button to resize the player, the top-left didn't move so now it extended far out to the right. ideas?
Posts: 8339
What if we give that div a high z-index? and possibly a float - I hate floats!
or would we then have to use absolute positioning - hate those too
Anyone with a Doctorate in css?
But seriously - through the included js function we could give that div any style we need, but will it work?
Posts: 28
what's the styling code like now?
I'll give it a go.
Posts: 8339
well, first we set our div's width and height to the flv's on initial render:
<div id="videoDiv" style="width:%spx;height:%spx;">
and then when the resize icon is clicked via flash's external interface the js is fired to change the style of the div giving it new width and height based on some calculations done within flash:
so maybe if we try the zindex:
I did a quick google on z-index and got this site from the boyz in redmond.
but it mentions
So how do we decide the position?
Posts: 28
The div should stretch by itself when the flash is inside it, so there is no need for width and height.
Try just <div align="center">
That should float on its own and resize within the contents.
Posts: 8339
Nope, the swf is set to 100% width and height to fill the container. You cannot resize the swf using styles.
Posts: 28
Is there an online version of what you're working on?
Posts: 8339
Actually I'm working on the flash slide show ;)
I was hoping mindless was trying this out
Posts: 8601
i hacked something together, it is in svn now. ghostienz/suprsidr, feel free to suggest improvements.
Posts: 6
So, I'm using today's svn - seeing the commit of the full screen thing. Some concerns. There isn't a download link for the movie. Shouldn't there be? (There should be for me, at least. Very important that I share everything.). Also, the Full Screen works, but overshoots its bounds in Firefox What seems to happen is that it's getting the browser's window size, and then filling up to those dimensions. However, this ignores theme elements like sidebars and headers (I'm using the Matrix theme), so the full sized Flash window causes scrollbars to appear on the right and bottom of the browser window, and I am unable, even on maximizing, to see the full video itself.
What may be useful is to go from "constrained" to "not constrained". I've no idea if this is possible. The constrained version would start out as the dimensions of the video itself. The unconstrained version would fill the available space, growing bigger and smaller as the browser does. For an example of what I'm talking about, take a look at any Google Video:
Posts: 12
I warn you all now this is a noob question...
I have read this whole topic and got very very lost....
I would love to convert my avi, mpeg and 3gp to flv files...
However I have no idea where, what i need to install the files need to run this great software.. looked a few peeps website and the vids look great!
Any help would be great.. please don't bad mouth me too much..
Posts: 8339
The Flash Vidoe module is part of the next release of Gallery2 (v2.2).
If you would like to try it out, consider upgrading to the latest nightly release of Gallery2.
Posts: 38
If maybe suprsidr answer was not enough for Darknova's understanding I like to elaborate.
To be able to show flashvideo in your Gallery you would need to install SVN and get the latest nightly build from there. That maybe a big hurdle already. The next step would be to convert your avi's/video's to the FLV format. That is also a little hurdle and needs a lot of processing time. If your level of knowledge of computers is intermediaite I would suggest to wait for v2.2. It took me 5 hours to get to understand SVN, install the correct nigthly snapshot and to upload my first FLV (flash video file) succesfully. I'm definitely not an Einstein, but I'm experienced.
Posts: 12
I think it would be best to wait until the next version, it already took me about 2 days to setup my gallery! Cheers for the help.
Posts: 8339
Actually Arthur, you do not need to install subversion(svn) to get the latest nightly. Just download the latest nightly from Jesse's site.
Posts: 12
OK, another noob question... I am really sorry about this...
I have uploaded the avi... however it has not been converted to avi...?
I am using the lastest Nightly from jesse... any ideas... help...
Posts: 38
Quoting doomdead:
Quoting myself
Posts: 6
And for those of you who don't use Windows, flvtool2 adds the metadata for seeking just fine.
suprsidr: any thoughts on my problems with the fullscreen tweak above?
Posts: 12
Duh, I need to convert my video files before I upload them.... LOL sorry about that! I thought the gallery would reprocess them! Sorry for wasting you time!
**UPDATE** -- Hey it worked! I am very happy, cheers for that!

Now I only have two questions left...
1. How to I integrate the nightly version with my already configure and arranged gallery?
2. If I update to a nightly version will I still be able to update to the final version when it comes out...?
I really appreciate the help, I am a complete novice at this as you may be able to tell...
Posts: 8601
keep in mind nightly snapshots are not officially supported releases... but: 1) just unzip/untar the nightly snapshot on top of your existing install, then bring it up in your browser and you'll see the upgrader. 2) yes, you'll be able to install G2.2 release on top of this when it comes out.
Posts: 8339
Actually I'm not crazy about the current state of the resize function.
I can see the problem that mindless pointed out with themes that center the display.
And for now his solution will have to do.
But I rolled back to my original version as my site does not use such themes, and mindless' solution looks like hell on my site as the video steps outside its bounds and leaves my dropshadow frame behind.
The swf calculates the new "fullscreen" size base on 90% of available screen width, and then calculates the height based on the video's original ratio.
I "browsed" google's js used for window resizing, and there might be a solution. But without reworking the themes, I don't see it working for all.
We'll keep looking, and if you find a better solution - please let us know.
Posts: 12
OK... My Gallery is updated! Great... dont need to upload the pictures again, I have convert my avi to flv... uploaded and get the error message --
Input file onealpha.flv exceeds maximum permitted file size
I have look at this thread and tried to understand what i need to do and.... didn't understand!
What file do i need to edit and where do i put the new code...?
Posts: 38
please search the rest of the threads first. This question has been answered a couple of times.
Posts: 12
As i have said if you read my comment! I have read the thread...! But I having trouble understanding it and wondered if someone could clear it up for me!
Posts: 38
I'm talking about the threads in the rest of the forum. Do a search with "exceeds maximum permitted file size" and you will find.
Posts: 12
OK... I have searched for the information and found an answer on this thread, so you telling me what to search for doesn’t help, it just shows you haven’t read or understood my question!...
HOWEVER.... I still don't understand.... that means if I read it a million times it still wont make sense! As was explained in my original post about this issue.
So what I am asking for is a clearer understanding of what I need to do!
Hence I have added the comment for assistance, so get off your high horse, and only post if your going to help!
In addtion your second comment is not helpful nor is it constructive to finding an answer to my issue!
Posts: 6
Your question has absolutely nothing to do with video files or the information provided in this thread. It'd happen with a supremely large image file too. Please stop being off-topic in this thread, or assured that you're right and Arthur is wrong (because Arthur is right).
Posts: 12
OK.... this whole thing is going off topic, I am not wanting a bitching contest, with anyone! End of Topic... I wont discuss what he said she said anymore blah, blah, blah! End.
My issue was that I don't understand how to implement the size issue fix in this thread and thusly posted a response, in the thread where I found the fix.. thinking everyone has been so helpful so far with me they wouldn't mind giving me a hand.
The issue is with the flv file, which is a flash video file. Once again, I posted here because there is a fix on here but I don't understand how to implement it...
Posts: 38
my manner of answering was not the most helpfull I agree. But that was because your way of asking the question makes it hard to infer what you do not understand.
And somehow the search function of the forum does not work correctly, because I searched (normal and advanced) for "exceeds maximum permitted file size" and only your posting comes up. And I know for sure that this particular topic has been discussed a lot.
My guess your problem is related to this FAQ:
If not I'm not able to help you further.
Posts: 12
Cheers Arthur!
I appreciated you giving me a hand with this! It's just computers, they drive me mad... but I am persevering and I really do appreciated this!
The fixed worked great, thanks for the redirect! Time to upload my family videos... HAHA!
Posts: 65
this looks so great and fantastic. thanks.....
I've tried the test clip on your site, and I found that all the function buttons are plain, with no icon/text (I guess it's play, stop, FF etc) even though it seems functioning. Is it normal?
I'm viewing it on Firefox under GNU/Linux with Flash Player 7.
Posts: 8339
this player requires flashplayer 8 or higher. They just skipped that one for linux, they promise flashplayer 9 soon.
so it would look much nicer on a different os.
Posts: 65
woo, that's the quickest reply I've had here
thanks for letting me know. hope version 9 is coming out soon then....
looking forward to 2.2 (this nice improvement will be included right?)
thanks once again
Posts: 11
So where are we at with this addition guys? I have recently added video to my gallery and using this functionality seems like a choice thing to do. I came here looking for a solution to my issue and found this thread. I am using the ffmpeg module to create the thumb nails and that worked fine but when I click a thumb nail of a video (DiVX encoded) I get to the page and have a square telling me to download a missing plugin (FireFox) and it loads fine on IE but of course takes forewver because the entire file has to download before it starts playing. I think that flash video would be an awesome addition and would solve the need to download the entire file before it plays. I would also like to have a direct download link so the user can save the original DiVX file to their pc if they so desire, along with the embedded flash playing. Is this going to be possible with this addition?
So when will the next RC be released? If not for a while, wehre can I find the latest cvs or svn nightly build that will have this functionality? When upgrading, can I just unzip the new version on top of my old version?
Posts: 8339
1st there may be some missunderstanding. This flashvideo module does NOT convert your original divx, wmv, mpeg, mov, avi .... into flash video. You must convert them to flv beforehand.
There was discussion early on in this thread about server-side conversion, but it was ruled too cpu/memory/time expensive to really consider.
So, now that that is out of the way... nightly snapshots.
And yes you can unzip on top of your old version (backing up first of course). Also remember, any edited template files should be in their own directory ie. themes/matrix/templates/local.
Posts: 11
Yeah I assumed as much. I am just using ffmpeg to convert and it seems to be working fine. I wrote a small perl script to do batch conversion so I launch it, walk away and come back later and add the flv files to my gallery.
My last issues/suggestion would be to allow for a download link to show for the original file while the flash file is playing. I know users will love the inline viewing of flash but some may still want a local copy of their own.
Posts: 8339
We came upon a problem with the download link in another of my swf projects here.
Gallery generates an encoded url with a view attached . Although this may work with flvs as your browser does not know how to handle them and would default to save_as. Other formats default to the plugin assigned to handle them. eg. a .mov would open in quicktime plugin.
Posts: 11
Yeah I am talking about having the flv file play in the flash player and also offer a download link for the avi/mpg file. The system would have to know where each directory lived as far as the flash files and the avi/mpg files but would still be a nice addition. If you could just have the user designate the flash dir and the source file directory, you could parse the flash file name and do a regexp to replace the .flv with .avi or .mpg or whatever the user designates as the source file extension and concantenate that onto the source file directory and then offer a link.
Posts: 11
The latest build is not playing the flash files in IE either...
Posts: 3
This is hands down one of the best improvements to gallery ever. This coming from a video head. I do wonder 2 things why do videos encoded using Adobe flash encoder with On2VP6 codec not work. I know ffmpeg cannot read those but they should still work unless the g2flv.swf does not support them. Not having the thumbnails and size info is not a big deal in a sense when you think the quality will be 30% better or you will be using 30% less bandwidth. Also would be cool to be able to just embed an object witin an item page coming from an external link. This way you could have thumbnails that point to videos coming from other networks. Let me know if anyone needs encoding testing or FLV player creation help that's where I can help.
Posts: 8339
On2VP6 codec not work?
Sure it does.
Posts: 3
on2vp6 works? ok then I must have something missing in my toolkit. When I upload sparks codec the gallery recognizes them as movies. But otherwise it thinks it just a "File" and not a "Movie" when I go to edit it says "edit file" if I look at the tab for thumbnail I get the follow error info:
Error Detail -
* in modules/ffmpeg/classes/FfmpegToolkit.class at line 163 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
* in modules/ffmpeg/classes/FfmpegToolkit.class at line 46 (FfmpegToolkit::_getMovieDimensions)
* in modules/thumbpage/ at line 158 (FfmpegToolkit::getProperty)
* in modules/thumbpage/ at line 100 (ItemEditThumbOffset::_getDuration)
* in modules/core/ at line 284 (ItemEditThumbOffset::loadTemplate)
* in modules/core/ at line 144 (ItemEditView::loadTemplate)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryView.class at line 307 (ItemAdminView::loadTemplate)
* in main.php at line 387 (GalleryView::doLoadTemplate)
* in main.php at line 86
* in main.php at line 79
System Information
Gallery version 2.2-svn
PHP version 5.1.4 apache2handler
Webserver Apache/2.2.2 (Fedora)
Database mysqli 5.0.22
Toolkits SquareThumb, ImageMagick
Operating system Linux 2.6.17-1.2157_FC5 #1 Tue Jul 11 22:55:46 EDT 2006 i686
Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/
I just did an svn update 2 nights ago. Seems to me ffmpeg is barfing on reading the vp6 flv. Any suggestions ? do I need a special lib for vp6?
My videos are at:
You can see the videos working off my CDN:
I know the mime types are set correctly so this is not the issue. All my files were encoded using the latest version of Macromedia Flash encoder 8 from the Studio 8 CD.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Posts: 8339
I had some trouble uploading flvs encoded with On2 on my win2k3 server, but not on my linux box.
I think I had to disable ffmpeg module to upload on win2k3 not uninstall, just disable. Then I had to create custom thumbs.
But they do play on my player, see here. Mr and Mrs Smith, I have both On2 and Spark Pro.
I'm not sure why your server is not recognizing the files as movies. Maybe the error created by ffmpeg is clouding gallery's judgement so to speak.(you might want to try disabling ffmpeg for upload like I do for windows and see if that remedies the problem)
Until ffmpeg supports On2 I would suggest my workaround or use Spark for now.
On another note, I was just about to release an XML version of the flv player, but I cannot seem to get Gallery to create a feed for albums of movies (with the enclosure tag - important).
This player can be placed where ever one would want, like my XML slideShow app.
So I will continue working on the feed issue for now.
Posts: 70
it took some time reading through all these post, but they answered all my questions to get this up and running, thank you.. this Rocks!
Most my friends use firefox, but is there a way to fix IE so a user doesn't have to click on the black box to start the movie? or is this something on my end, since IE s never opened, i may have a setting incorrect.
Thank and again, great module!
Posts: 3
suprsidr, You are right. ffmpeg barfs and throws gallery2 off on the add items import. Once I deactivated ffmpeg I could add the On2VP6 flv movies just fine. I still had to add the movie size and the thumbnail which makes it really tedious. But when you think it will save 30% of the storage and transfer it might be worth it for some folks. I think for now I will encode my trip home videos in sparks so I don't hassle with all the manual stuff but it's good to know the options. Hope this helps.
Posts: 70
I tried a different theme and it seems the the IE thing (clicking to start movie) is only in the one theme i was using, all others seem fine
Posts: 70
Now that I have this all running, is there a way to link to the flash files and have them play in my forums? Like I can with youtube and google?
Posts: 8339
I was able to "view page source" in one of my gallery pages, and copy the relevent code for my video into another page in my cms:
notice I even copied the javascript for resizing
The only problem I see is that the video will start playing automatically. I could add another var for autoplay. ie. autoplay=false
You can see my sample here.
Give it a try, and if there is enough interest, I'll add the extra var.
Posts: 70
It worked I was able to add my video to my PHPBB Forums pretty easily using..
(line breaks added so this post isn't 10 foot wide)
The var to stop autoplay would probably be very useful in these type of instances
now all I need is a module that will pull this info automaticly and add it to the side of video or Pic.. I.E. If you like to add this to your site or blog, use this code (but this could cause a bandwidth nightmare!)
Thanks for the help and thanks all for this great module