Check short style URLs for filesystem conflicts


Joined: 2005-12-02
Posts: 41
Posted: Mon, 2005-12-05 02:03

Can someone please explain how Check short style URLs for filesystem conflicts works and what steps must be taken to correct conflicts?



Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2005-12-05 11:57

by default, g2 short urls have all a prefix.
e.g. all view (showitem) pages have a /v/ , all downloaditem requests have a /d/ prefix etc.

say you remove this prefix /v/ or /d/ in site admin -> rewrite -> rules.
now a url to album "people" would look like this .
say you create now an album with the name "themes".
the url would look like this .
now we have a problem since in the gallery2/ folder, we already have a subfolder with the the name "themes" (same for /lib, /modules, ...).
so the webserver would point to the subfolder rather than to the album with the same name.

this is one of the conflicts that could arise. say you still had the /v/ prefix, then the URL would look like this: and there wouldn't be any conflict (in this case).

addtionally, the maintenance task checks the flat URLs for conflicts (if you have the user contributed flat urls module installed).

also see:

FAQ: My Gallery URLs begin with /v/ and /d/, why?