Image map for detailed information


Joined: 2005-08-03
Posts: 35
Posted: Tue, 2005-12-06 15:08

I searched here for "image map" and didn't see anything that speaks to this issue.

It sure would be cool to enable something like <--this in Gallery. It's a very useful feature on flickr, but I've very little idea how complicated it would be to implement here.

Also, I love Gallery. I know from reading a lot of the support forum posts and replies that you developers have undertaken a largely thankless task, so I'm thanking you all here. I can't tell you how valuable my Gallery install has been to my family over the last couple years as relatives keep tabs on our new baby. You're going to have a little gift in your stocking this Christmas. Thanks again.


Joined: 2005-12-08
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 2005-12-08 05:51

i would be interested in this, too. although i'm more interested in basic imagemaps that simply link to other URLs.

i had a crazy hack to get basic imagemaps to work in G1. does anyone have a more thorough solution for G2?


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2005-12-08 13:48

tim_j developes / developed a basic imagemap feature for g1. not sure how far he is. maybe he'll port it to g2 too, we'll see.