new theme: simple list

VENCO's picture

Joined: 2004-03-01
Posts: 78
Posted: Thu, 2005-12-15 20:13

I have been looking for a new theme that would create a lighter load on my server, cause less bandwidth, and probably be a better layout for my site design. Basically my Gallery will end up being many albums, maybe even hundreds. I would like to be able to have just the album names displayed as clickable links to their contents. That way I could have maybe a 10x10 grid, or 100 albums/page. Only the album name would appear; no owner, view count, date published, etc. Each of these albums will also contain many albums (an album for each half year, in some cases 4/year) thus a list here would be useful too. Technically not even the items themselves will need thumbnails, I just want a user to download the item straight away (they are all documents, pdfs).

Does a theme like this exist?
