Feature request: Change the way ZIP works...


Joined: 2005-12-17
Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 2005-12-17 21:01

Cudos on a very easy installation process... Very fool proof and lots of good feedback to the user that things are proceeding properly. Of all the tools that I've messed with, Gallery2 is better than WordPress, and much better than the rest.

BUT... I guess this is a feature request.

Looks like at least two "modules" require zip support - cart download and archive upload. And php has zip library support built in. So I'm not clear on why the configuration uses external binaries and requires "EXEC" support on the server to run them. Why not use the internal php ZIP functions? Sure would make installation/configuration easier.
Even after a lot of searching around and EVENTUALLY finding a posting about how to install either CYGWIN or INFOZIP, I'm still not clear which "EXE" to point the bloody path to and whether I have EXEC support, which seems unlikely....

So I give up...

Let's take the easy way next time around...

I'll use XP publish, thanks very much... It's built right in.




Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sun, 2005-12-18 18:16

@exec support:
the installer/upgrader have a system checks step, there you see whether exec is disabled or not.

@php zip extension:
please file a feature request at http://sf.net/projects/gallery/ -> RFE and check if it already exists at http://gallery.menalto.com/sfvote/all

not sure what the problems will be with this extension. of course we'd welcome if a user contributed a module that uses the zip extension.