Album summaries and PHP tags


Joined: 2005-12-18
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2005-12-18 11:17

I've been trying to insert PHP require tags into an album summary, but so far it hasn't worked. It got to the point where I tried a simple echo to see if PHP tags were being parsed at all, and it seems they're not. Can anyone tell me if it's even possible to insert PHP tags into album summaries at all?

Forum search wasn't much help - it shat itself after the first page of results.

- Michael.


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2005-12-19 02:24

you mean you enter phpcode / <?php some code ?> into the album summary input field in the edit album page?

of course that's not interpreted as php, that would be a huge security vulnerability.

you'll have to edit the source code of gallery.