Hello everyone,
I've been browsing around but haven't found an answer to this yet (my apologies if it's already posted somewhere and I missed it).
We see options for resolution and for image quality but not for file size (except for restricting initial uploads of course but that doesn't pertain to this question).
What we'd like to do is have the option to resize uploads based on file size instead of, or in addition to, resolution. E.g. a 10M file is resized to 3M, 1M and 256k with the resolution in each case either being irrelevant or being defined as well with the resulting output having image quality auto-adjusted to accomodate both sets of parameters?
Thoughts? Suggestions?
(Links to a post/page where somebody already did this? 
Posts: 32509
to my knowledge, nobody did this yet.
maybe this could be done with a module (e.g. listen to entity::save events, if it's a resize, check the filesize and apply the same logic as the one that is used for the sizelimit module).
or maybe better with a image toolkit.
Posts: 2
Looking at the section of the site for paid work, it appears that the primary developers are not taking requests for customization at this time.
Anyone else out there willing to write a module like this for a fee?
(Resulting code would be OSS of course