When a Gallery represents a Collection, and the first level of albums represent sub-gallerys containing both albums and images. It is not easy to include a single album tree into two or more sub-gallerys or albums. The ability to generate a thumbnailed "link" to any valid URL, that on the surface looks like any other image/album link would greatly inhance the flexibility of The Gallery.
Example 1: an album containing Covered Bridges at sunset logically should be linked to both the Images of Sunset and the images of Covered-Bridge albums. A second album containing Stonehenge at sunset images logically should be linked to both the Images of Sunset and the Stonehenge albums.
I am currently doing this by renameing and deleting the album directory on the server. First in gallery rename album A to C, then ftp in and delete directory C, then back in Gallery rename album B to C. At this point original album linkage for A and B have both been renamed to C and share that albums properties and location. A minor change to the rename function, where I can say, yes I know an album already exsists, yes I want to use it anyway, and while you are at it kill the orphan as it is only a place holder for THIS album! Thank you very much
And if I am stupid enough to rename the wrong one, oh-well, my bad.....
Example 2: An Album tree has been spawned off into a standalone Gallery at a new URL: A thumbnailed forwarding link to the new location in the original gallery is desired to maintain continuity.
It should be noted that a thumbnailed external link provides a workable solution to both examples without affecting the exsisting file structure and provides the ability to easily build a album of links to any destination.
Thanks for your concideration ......
Posts: 6818
i am honest to you:
i dont understand what you are talking about
i have an little idea, but this idea says that you would like to have a thumbnail for a subalbum.
But this is already there. So i am at zero again.
Maybe you can "paint" a picture or make a modified Screenshot ?
Last Gallery v1 developer and translation manager.
Posts: 2258
caveguy: This is two separate requests if I understand right:
-allow other websites to be added as an item in a Gallery
-have items show up in several albums in one Gallery
The first one has been requested before and there is already a module that does this for Gallery 2. It probably won't be in Gallery 1 unless Tim_j is feeling bored
The second one has also been requested before and there is also already a module that does this for Gallery 2. It also probably won't be in Gallery 1 unless Tim_j is feeling bored
Posts: 5
My goal is to keep it in gallery 1, as I am not comfortable with the Mysql requirement of Gallery 2. I like having the flat file format of gallery 1. I guess I need to figure out how to get 2 running on something and test it again.
Posts: 5
You have indicated you are the Last Gallery v1 developer and translation manager. Is development of v1 about dead ?
I had concidered getting out the PHP book and hacking the change in myself as a new entity type "LINK" it looked like and thumbnailed like a picture but was a link to a "for more info" page by URL.
Posts: 6818
Wheni stop working an Gallery 1, then g1 will go into maintainance.
I dont like the word "dead" in this context.
Last Gallery v1 developer and translation manager.
Posts: 5
I humbly stand corrected. Dead WAS a bad choice of words.
I think Dormant may have been a better choice of wording at the time.
I am assuming it is it a simple case of limited resources.
While its younger sibling V2 grows up to be big and strong,
V1 can expect to live a long life, maintained with care, yet but a few enhancements will ever fall its way.
If I was to take some time and make some hacks, would there be any interest ?
Or has interest in V1 fallen off to the point where no one would care ?
I have always liked the fact V1 was self contained and only needed PHP to run.
Except for having to delete and rename directories once in a while (which I will fix) V1
did most of what I wanted and needed.
I did make a paypal hack a few years back, the code it parsed a user supplied data field *paypal* to build a pulldown box and worked ok.
IE: (Postcard - $1.00 : 8x10 - $2.00 : Color - $3.00) in *paypal* would generate a pulldown based on the listed choices.
If *paypal* was not found and a data field "Price:" was then a single submit using that price was used.
I got it working with the paypal checkout but never merged it back in to your newer code.
I went the ebay store route just about the time V2 was under way.
I am now just looking back at gallery v1 as a nice tool for documenting collections that can be hosted and backed up just about anywhere.
I am looking to build a simple gallery based solution for documenting personal collections that is a cross between a Blog and Gallery V1. Without this documentation effort, my family will remain clueless forever, about what is junk, and what is not, and in many cases I do not even know, yet
I would be willing to make a fresh round of hacks to your the latest greatest v1 and document them if there is interest. I am not even sure if you accept hacks from outsiders ? I should go back and RTFM before I post, na life is too short these days
Posts: 2258
We aren't opposed at all to other people working on Gallery1. For now Jens is "in charge" but when he is done, someone else will still be watching things atleast. If you modifications follow our code standards and work well then there's no reason for us not to accept them. When you come up with something cool, submit it as a patch on the patch tracker on sourceforge and after enough of those theres always the possibility of you getting CVS access to G1.
Posts: 6
I am interested in both of these options:
-allow other websites to be added as an item in a Gallery
-have items show up in several albums in one Gallery
Can you provide the name of the module(S) which had this functionality in G2? I looked through the module list and did not see anything which had these features.
Posts: 2258
mooonmoon: please post in an appropriate thread.