not to sound lame but i cant find .tpl files or even my page_header.php file... ive looked in all the folders in my gallery file but... they arent there... can gallery function without thiese files? i'm assuming no.... so i obviously missed them... where are they normally?
Posts: 2258
If your Gallery working or not? If it's working, there is no problem, if it isn't, post the error message and we might be able to help.
(I don't see any of these files in my Gallery 1 installation)
Posts: 4
its working but im trying to get rid of a gap which css should have done above a banner that i inserted into the html wrappers... but i went over it a dozen times and i cant find what im doing wrong so i thought i would check out those files since they are called in the beginning of the wrappers...
its the way i want it in the albums wrapper
but everywhere else theres still the gap
Posts: 27300
You are using G1 and those files don't exsist in G1 only G2.
You have this:
in the body tag of albums.php
and in view_album.php you do not.
So you need to remove that from albums.php and put it in the CSS you are using.
That way it will be on all pages.
Gallery Frames / Mods || G1 Test Gallery
Posts: 4
sigh... tried that and its still not working... im about to pull out al lmy hair LOL
thank you for responding....
Posts: 27300
Look at your source you have
You don't add body tags to the html wrap files.
Gallery Frames / Mods || G1 Test Gallery
Posts: 4
thank you... you dont know how long i have been trying to figure out this problem... LOL you just made me a terribly happy girl!!
thank you so much
Posts: 27300
Glad you got it sorted
Gallery Frames / Mods || G1 Test Gallery
Posts: 5
Gallery 1.5x fully working install
I am finding the same issue. I've added my own wrapper.header and wrapper.footer
I want to be able to control my own header I have some javascript I need to add to the header and also have some images preload in the body tag.
any clue???
Upon digging into the files to find where the header was being added prior to wrapper.header's code I also found reference to header.php and mention of .tpl files. Then I search for these files within my install and can't locate them. This makes me wonder where they are too?
I'd be fine removing my header info if I could mod the default header code just please tell me where it is lol.
Posts: 2258
Things are spread out in Gallery 1. You'd need to have your page header (stuff at the top of the BODY section) in gallery.header, your page footer (stuff at the bottom of the BODY sectioN) in gallery.footer.
To add to the headers (inside the HEAD section) you'll need to modify the function "common_headers" in lib/content.php.
To modify the body tag, you'll need to modify each and every php file that generates a page. search for "<body" in the files and you'll find it.
Posts: 5
eeeash lol nice you would think "wrapper" would mean wrapper
oh well time to start doing directory wide search and replace...
Thanks for the tip and speedy response
Posts: 5
ok here's a new interesting find... lib/content.php doesn't exist either... something fishy happening here... does Gallery maybe grab these files from the menalto site for some reason ? lol
any other clue?
Posts: 2258
Upgrade to the newest version of Gallery 1 and lib/content.php should show up. Theres been a bit of reorganization recently and all I have to look at is the most recent version.
Posts: 5
this was just downloaded 2 or 3 days ago
from the Version.php file
$gallery->version = '1.5.1';
$gallery->config_version = 93;
$gallery->album_version = 37;
$gallery->user_version = 6;
that's the newest isn't it?
FYI extracted the file directly on the server
Posts: 2258
Odd. *shrug* I'm looking at the 1.5.2-RC2 stuff so there may be some difference. Just search for "function common_headers(" in all the Gallery files and you should find where to modify it.
Posts: 5
yup that's what I finally did ;) worked out in the end... thanks for the push in the right direction