ANNOUNCING: Digibug Pro Photo Commerce module for Gallery2
Joined: 2006-01-10
Posts: 51 |
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Digibug Pro Photo Commerce allows you to sell photos and generate profits from your Gallery2 Photo Gallery. The service is free* and set-up takes about 10 minutes. Key features of Digibug - you set the prices and choose the products (over 110 products to choose from) Included in this post is the module for Gallery2 Installation and configuration directions are in the README.txt in the docs directory of the included tar file. If you have questions ask them here in this thread and I will respond withing a reasonable amount of time. The plugin is released under the GPL. Contributions, suggestions are welcome. For more details on the Digibug API, see To set up your free Digibug account, or to learn more, please visit. Module can be downloaded from * there is no charge to create an account on Digibug, though we do deduct a small processing fee from the profits you generate on each order (see for more details). |
Posts: 32509
Cool, i'm sure a lot of photographers will find this module useful.
Feel free to add your module to the list at:
and if you want to get your module into the official G2 package as an official module, we'll have to review it, add unit tests and you'll have to get in touch with Bharat to dicuss the terms.
Posts: 57
can you make it compatible with the PG theme?
Posts: 51
I actually just installed the PG theme and it already seems to be compatible. Have you tried to install the module? If so, what is it that doesn't seem compatible?
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.
Posts: 57
it doesn't give me the option to print the photos. or at least, i don't see it. on the default matrix theme i see it. ???
Posts: 57
btw, thanks for setting up that service, i actually made the inquiry to photoworks (where i usually get my prints) about having a setup for people to buy my pics at a higher price and they didn't have it. this is perfect.
does the fuji printer use silver-bearing chemicals or ink?
Posts: 51
I also had the Cart module turned on. When I shut it off, I do not see the link, my recommendation is to use it in conjuntion with the Cart module. It's actually better that way, than as a standalone module.
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.
Posts: 51
I'll pass the thanks onto my boss. It was his idea. ;-) As for using silver-bearing chemicals or ink, I am pretty sure it's chemical. I'll look into that. I think it's the chemicals, but I am not 100% sure what the printer uses. I'll get back to you on that tomorrow/later today.
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.
Posts: 57
thanks, i'll try that right now.
it's genius for a biz opportunity, gonna take off like ebay i bet. if i had the money i would've done it. any stock??? i would buy some!
Posts: 57
ahhhh that worked. now here is a question for ya. if they add to cart on a thumbnail, does the module automatically know to grab the full size image?
Posts: 51
If you add the thumbnail it knows to add the full image. Same goes if you add the album. It will add all the pictures in the album full sized.
As for your question on the print type. The machine that prints them is a Fuji Frontier machine. utilizing CP49E chemistry.
No stock yet., but I am hoping it takes off like ebay. :-D
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.
Posts: 57
thanks, i have more questions. since i will have to add my full image to the gallery, is there a part of the mod that keeps people from accessing it? cuz what would stop them from just taking the full image and printing it off themself??
what is the turn around time?
are the prints inspected for quality?
is there a return policy? or replacement?
does your website show the corrcet cropping for differences in aspect ratio so there are no "surprises" to my customer?
Posts: 57
never mind the question about full siz images, i figured that one out.
Posts: 1
In effect you become a drop shipper for my business so I would also be interested in the answers to these questions.
Is the wholesale cost sheet my cost?
Posts: 51
There is nothing in our mod that prevents access of hi res images. Pulling off this kind of protection is difficult on the internet as the if image is viewable through the browser, which it would be with gallery2, then it gets stored in the browser cache and can be easily taken from there. There are so many ways around the protections that people have come up with, that if some one wants the hi res image bad enough they'll find a way to get it. With that said this module is still in beta, and hopefully we can find away to address this concern as I know it will be a popular request.
Turn Around Time.
This depends on the product ordered. Prints are either printed on the day ordered or the next day depending on the time of day that it was ordered. Gift items such as cards, mugs, etc.. can date 2-3 days to process, as it's a little more difficult of a process to make.
The print processes is a high quality process. Each print is not hand inspected, but just like in the local lab there is a person operating the machine, so problems that arise that are the result of the machine those are usually caught.
Return Policy
In the unlikely event you need to return a product, we ask this be done within 30 days of purchase and request you return the product in a proper shipping box so it arrives safely. An explanation of what the problem is would be helpful. Please return the product to:
Attn: Picturebug Returns
Digibug Express, Inc.
24 Crescent St #305
Waltham, MA 02453
The following are important exceptions to our customer satisfaction guarantee:
If the image you selected for a reprint, greeting card or gift does not meet the minimum recommended resolution and results in a poor quality image.
If you enter incorrect or misspelled information to be printed on your greeting card, Photo Book or gift.
If your Photo Book or Calendar pages are out of order and you requested that sequence.
We use center cropping by default on prints and gift items. We currently have not tools for croping/crop positioning, but that will change in the future.
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.
Posts: 51
The previous questions have been answered, please view the forum to review the answers. As for the cost sheet. Yes the wholesale cost sheet is your base cost. If you don't change the prices you make no money. If you change the prices you make 85% of the difference, we make 15%
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.
Posts: 17
I see one problem with this module. I have created an account on Digibug. And I have set up the parameters in the module to point to my userid # and to an event # I created called onlinegallery. But when I go to view the cart, it appears that it shows the header and footer of the James Andrews Gallery.
Which also makes me wonder if thats where the money would be going as well. Since I was going to drop it down to the wholesale price and order a variety of prints so I could view the quality before I started pointing customers there, I had to wonder why the prices where still the retail amount.
Posts: 17
Also, would it be possible to change it so that you can edit the user and event id's wihtout having to uninstall the module and reinstall it. Tetsing this with new ids and stuff especially. Its somewhat cumbersome to have to deactivate, uninstall, install, configure, and then activate it again. If there was alink in the admin menu to simply edit the IDs, would be much more helpful.
Posts: 51
That's a bug. :-\ Working on resolving it now. As for deactivate, uninstall, install, configure, I am unaware of any other way to do it. I believe it's a limitation to the gallery module plugin. If you know of another plugin that does the configure without uninstall/install let me know and I will look at it and see if I can figure out how it's done. I'll post again when the updated module is on our website.
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.
Posts: 51
There is now a new version on our website digibugForGallery2-v0.3.1.tar.gz
It has the fix for the company id and event id not being set properly. Please let me know if there are any problems with this. I tried it with 2 different company ids and it seems to be working correctly for me.
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.
Posts: 17
I have installed the new version. It seems to work as expected now. One minor caveat: The version when you go to the gallery administration pages still says its 0.3.0, instead of 0.3.1. Not that it bothered me, just that I noticed it.
I uploaded an image to my gallery that was used on DPreview. Then purchased the image through my id. Killed 2 birds with one stone. First I made sure the site saw it as my account, and I also wanted to check out the quality of the photo itself.
This leads me to a few other questions about Digibug in general. But they are not concerning this module. Does Digibug have a forum or something of the sorts to pose questions to the company? More along the lines of ownership, content, etc etc.
Posts: 51
Thanks for the feedback. I'll resolve the version number, thanks for the FYI.
Currently we are working on an updated website that has forum capabilities. It should be up soon, but for now you can email
which goes to a few different people who can answer your questions.
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.
Posts: 57
thanks for answering all my questions, gonna upload the new version.
Posts: 3236
In fact, it is so popular that it is built into G2! Unlike most online photo viewing systems, G2 uses an image firewall. The actual images can (and should!) be stored outside of a web accessible directory. Ie, if you have a /public_html/gallery2/ directory, your g2data dir should be in /g2data/ (the same dir that public_html is in).
Now, with proper permissions no one can get to the images you don't want them to see. You might then say to yourself, "well, if I am restricting people to viewing only 640x480 images... the prints will be awful!" but this is not true! The print modules are designed to send the FULL image to the printer, even if they are not viewable by the user choosing to print! So you can safely have your full images on your site, restrict them in what ever way you see fit and *still* offer prints that take advantage of them. At least, this is how the print modules designed by the G2 dev team work.
Hopefully I'm not wrong, but it would be worth a test to double check what I've said.
Anyway, it is not the job of a print module to stop people from getting the high res images. That'd be the job of the Gallery. Remember, the only *safe* way to keep your high res images out of the hands of those pirates is to not put them online!
Posts: 51
Thanks Fryfrog,
I'll have to look at the documentation more for gallery2 and see how that is done, and make sure our module works with it. So much to do so little time, ya know? ;-) Isn't that always the case.
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.
Posts: 17
I have actually taken the G2-Included Matrix theme, and removed a single line, and changed some of the lines to point say digibug instead of matrix. This takes away the ability to change the res size of the images viewed. When digibug goes to get the file, it pulls the original version. but when users view it on my gallery, it only show sthem the 400x400 version I let them preview.
I have attached it to this post, so you just need to unzip it into your themes directory.
Posts: 8601
sorry, i haven't had time to read thru this thread in detail, but want to comment on a couple things..
module install/upgrade calls upgrade(). then autoConfigure/needsConfiguration are used to see if we can automatically activate.. getConfigurationView specifies a view an admin can access even though the module is not active. that view can do some stuff that will make needsConfiguration now return false.. which makes activation become possible. didn't see the exact question about this process in my quick skim.
and about permissions/hi-res images... actually, fryfrog went a bit beyond what our print modules currently can do, but what he described could be done.
when you print from G2 the print modules check if the image is public.. if so, it just passes along the image url (for the highest resolution that is public.. could be a resize if full size isn't public). if the image is not public then the module creates a new G2 session for the print service with the userid of the current user. the image url passed to the print service embeds that session id. The session has an expiration long enough for the print service to process the order, maybe a day or two. so, the current user can logout or whatever.. the new session created remains around and the print service uses it to retrieve the image.. the session has the permissions of that user so the urls will be able to retrieve the image. again, we use the highest resolution the user can see.
now, fryfrog suggested printing highest resolution even if the current user can't see that resolution.. as the session we create is for the current user, no extra permissions are granted. but some code could be written to make that session use some other userid that has permission to get the full size image. but then, care would have to be taken on the print service side not to reveal the image url back to the user, as then they could get the sessionid and do whatever that session can do!
Posts: 4
Hi there. I have the very latest gallery 2 CVS install. Your modules does appear to work. I have this error in the Modules admin window:
Digibug Photo Printing Module
Incompatible module!
Core API Required: 6.0 (available: 7.1)
Module API Required: 2.0 (available: 3.0)
What course of action should I take to solve this issue
Kind Regards
Shane Holloman
Posts: 8601
this module is for 2.0.x, not yet updated for current CVS i guess.
please post in the new 3rd party plugins forum for any further support requests, thanks.
Posts: 3236
Oops, sorry about being 75% not-correct ;)
Support & Documentation || Donate to Gallery || My Website
Posts: 51
The Module is built on Gallery 2.0.1. I have not upgraded to 2.0.2 (which is the current release) to see what the differences are but will do that over the next week.
In general, we will maintain the module to work with the current advertised release on the Gallery website. I am not sure what is in the current CVS release, and feel developing a module against something that could change overnight isn't in anyone's best interest.
I wouldn't worry about the message on the admin panel it doesn't affect the operation of the module at this time. That said you can modify our module to remove these errors, it's rather simple, but not necessary.
In the digibug directory there is a file. There are 2 changes that need to be made, on line 46 and line 47.
$this->setRequiredCoreApi(array(6, 0));
$this->setRequiredModuleApi(array(2, 0));
Change them to
$this->setRequiredCoreApi(array(7.1, 0));
$this->setRequiredModuleApi(array(3, 0));
That should fix the error on the admin screen.
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.
Posts: 8601
thenetimp: some info for you..
2.0.2 was a security release and won't affect your module.
See for API changes in the upcoming 2.1 release. We're within a week of RC-1 so I wouldn't consider the APIs a moving target at this point. The changes you suggest above won't make your module work on current CVS (both because your code will need updating to conform to those API versions and also because it's array(7, 1) not array(7.1, 0)).
You've got a month or so until 2.1 final, so plenty of time to get these updates done... hope this helps.
Posts: 32509
Please add a description of your module on:
examples of other module pages:
Posts: 51
Thanks, for catching that. I will have the changes made for the 2.1 release. Will make them simultaniously to the G2 2.1 release.
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.
Posts: 51
Thanks valiant, I will definitely do that.
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.
Posts: 17
A little plug for this module, as well as for the digibug site:
- I uploaded a test shot and had it sent to me. I do like the fact that you have the wholesale prices in there by default. Although neither of us make any money from it, it was quite inexpensive to send my self a test shot. Although I did have to giggle when I saw that the shipping was going to be more than the 8x10 I sent myself. Which just says to me that your prices are very reasonable.
- I recieved the print a few days later (Choosing USPS was actually very fast. I was impressd with them). Even though my mail carrier appears to be an idiot, and left the envelope sitting out in the rain, I was very impressed with the quality of the prints. I used the photo that I did due to the detail. It was a test shot from DPreview.Com with the watch sitting on top of a group of crayons. In the digital version, you can see the threads in the paper on the crayons quite clearly. This was one of the deciding factors for me purchasing this camera in the first place. In your print, I could see very much the same detail. This will be the deciding factor for me using this service.
I do have a few questions and suggestions about the service itself. Since there are no forums for discussions and questions on the digibug site yet, I will put them here:
- Is there a Terms Of Service anywhere on your site. I know with many professional photographers, the issue of ownership is going to come up. Similar services (Names withheld) are having issues from users because it is in their TOS that once an image is uploaded to their server, THEY own it. A lot of their users have left becasue of this.
- Also, in this TOS, is it discussed about content? I am looking at doing personal portraits that some of the unenlightened may consider indecent. What is your policy on this? Will you still print and ship them? Also, is there something in the contract about how extras are not used? This TOS in general is going to be a big concern.
- As far as the plugin itself goes, Is it possible to make the album id setting a per gallery album choice? I can see why it would be possible to have one set of photos be one price, and another set a different price. But the way you have it now, I would have to create an entire seperate gallery to do this. If we could possible set the main IDs to be a default, and let each album in Gallery specify a seperate album on digibug, then we could adjust prices according to album.
There are other questions, but I am short for time at the moment. How soon is it until there is a digibug discussion forum?
Posts: 51
Thanks for the praise, it's always appreciated.
Now to answer your questions.
Yes, we have T&C that will be on our site shortly. The terms contain no provision for us to own images. The photographer owns the image, and specifically our T&C requires the user of the system to take responsibility for copyright (e.g. the must have the right to the image).
Enlightenment is subjective. We reserve the right to not fulfill orders that are outside of our guidelines. Most forms of artistic photography are fine. I don't understand the "how extras are not used" question.
Shortly (really soon) we are going to launch the new digibug site with which will contain the TOS, Privacy Policy, the support and discussion forums, and all other pertinent information like this, once it is up, I will post to this forum announcing it's launch.
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.
Posts: 51
from our TOS...
As condition of your use of this service, you shall not:
0.Upload, post, order for print, email or otherwise transmit any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, harassing, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or otherwise objectionable;
0.Upload, post, order for print, email or otherwise transmit any content that you do not have a right to transmit under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as insider information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under nondisclosure agreements) or any content that infringes any trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party;
0.Harm minors in any way, including, but not limited to, content that violates federal and state child pornography laws, child sexual exploitation laws and laws prohibiting the depiction of minors engaged in sexual conduct;
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.
Posts: 17
Just for clarification, as far as the content goes....
My wife is what has been termed a Breastfeeding Advocate.... She is involved in serveral non-profit organizations that are designed to assist mothers with breastfeeding tips, support, encouragement, etc for nursing mothers. As well as working with others like the World Health Organization to provide accurate and up to date nutritional information and guidelines. Etc Etc Etc.
Recently, they set up a gallery on one of their web sites with breasfeeding mothers in art thorughout history. Depicting scenes from the ancient egyptians, romans, on through to the modern age. In the last century or so, mass media has sided with where their paychecks are coming from and have depicted such thing as formula feeding as the rule, instead of being the exception. And to aid this advertising they have slowly shifted the mindset to where breastfeeding is a thing that should only be done in secrecy behind close doors. While not getting into a lengthy political discussion (or is that too late???) some of these groups have staged public nursing events where mothers and their children will meet in a prominent location and nurse publicly. Most states have laws stating that anywhere a mother is leagllay allowed to be, then her child may nurse there.
BUT... for some reason, it has become somewhat of a touchy subject. Especially when depicted in media. ie going back to episodes of Murphy Brown, The View, etc. People seem to have an extremely varied view on this.
Needless to say, I have been at some of these events in the past years, and have always taken photographs. Mothers are always asking me "Where can I get a copy of those pictures?" I had thought about using a site such as digibug to do the printing for me. Would something like violate your Terms?
As for the extras, I was more referring to what happened to the image after it was printed. Some have raised the concern with me that the image might be used for other purposes then what was intended. On my side, I would use the galleries built in security features, as well as other modules like the password per gallery to make sure that no one was able to access the images they werent supposed to. But after the image leaves my site, and gets transmitted to digibug, where does digibugs responsibility lie? If that image is copied from your shop and used in some other way that can be traced back, since I own the copyright, does the TOS cover my legal rights as the owner, or more importantly you lack of rights as the printer? Basically a single line saying digibug agrees to not use the images for any other purpose without my permission.
Probably me just worrying about nothing, but these are things that the people I am working with are wondering as well.
Posts: 17
Now that I have done all that.... I realize that a little patience on my part is needed. Once yout TOS is online, and you have your own forums, I will hve a much better arena to post my questions and comments. The Gallery site for is not the best place to do so. But thank you for answering my questions the best you can.
Also, I would encourage anyone thinking of using this plugin, or the digibug site at all, to find a photo to print using your service. They will be very pleased. I know I was, and I have already talked to a few other local photographers abotu setting up sites for them using your services as well.
Posts: 51
Part of our TOS is based on TOS agreements that we have with our labs, and therefore we have to follow some of their rules. Please PM me and we can discuss how we may be able to help. you.
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.
Posts: 51
I will be away on vacation from the 10th to the 21st. If you send me a PM or a question to the board, I will respond when I return.
Thanks, and have a great week.
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.
Posts: 4
All I find for this module is version 0.3.0, which does not seem to work correctly. The link provided for 0.3.1 is dead. Anyone know what is up with this module?
Posts: 51
Hi Sevan,
If if you go to this will bring you to our website and has 0.3.1 avalable from there. I just tried downloading it and it was fine.
FYI, still in Hawaii, just figured I'd check in.
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.
Posts: 2
This module is a fantastic idea, and I hope you make millions of dollars off the development and services.
Any idea when this will be out of beta? Until then, I don't know if I would be able to count on it for my professional photography needs. Any chance of expanding your range of services?
I would love to see this linked up with WHCC... You would have all my money.
Posts: 115
Since Digibug owns the Gallery 2 Module couldn't they just allow an exception for requests originating from their server? I have no problem with that - just put a disclaimer on the digibug module configuration page, maybe with a checkbox, that says "Allow full sized images to be retrieved by *"
Between digibug and the paypal checkout module I think I can setup a pretty nice pro website for my roommate. I just have to make sure there's no way to get the high res pictures (view/print/anything) without a purchase.
Joseph Elwell.
Posts: 51
Actually you wouldn't use the paypal checkout module for digibug purchases, as we have our own checkout page that accepts Credit Cards, and within the next couple weeks will support paypal as well.
We are talking about different solutions for protecting users hi-res images here inhouse. We have some ideas but haven't decided on anything 100% yet. We'll keep you informed.
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.
Posts: 30
I was having problems a few weeks ago with this installation (getting various errors). I went to revisit it, and I don't seem to be able to log back in. Is there a password/company id/eventid recovery tool or am I just being stupid?
Posts: 51
Can you send me a PM with your email address and your userdirectory, it should be in the email that was sent to you when you signed up. That way we can try to figure out if it's an us error or if you are just not doing something correctly.
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.
Posts: 22
Using the cart module, there is a "cart action" to "update quantities," but once updated, the new number does not appear once the user arrives at the digibug cart. Am I missing something or is that an intentional aspect of the digibug module? If it is, then I guess it would be best to modify the cart module to remove the "update quantities" action. Has anyone done that?
Put differently, how do I get photo quantities from the Gallery cart to transfer to the digibug cart?
Thanks for your help and thoughts.
P.S. I'm using the PGTheme, Gallery 2.0.3
Posts: 51
Hi Jeff,
Currently the Digibug Module does not support the gallery "cart" pluggin's quantities. If quantities are changed there they will not transfer over to Digibug as our current API does not support this. We are redefining that API and when we have that new API implemented this will change. There is no ETA on when that API or a Module supporting that API will be available.
James Andrews
Software Engineer
Digibug Expresss, Inc.