It seems... embedding is not very simple for me.
Here's the situation:
I followed the guide to embed G2 into whatever....correct path (I think) etc...
Calling the script file, where G2 is embedded I get a following error:
Warning: main(SMARTY_CORE_DIRcore.load_plugins.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden in /xxx/gallerydata/smarty/templates_c/%%108485208/%%B0^B07^B07373BD%%theme.tpl.php on line 3
Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'SMARTY_CORE_DIRcore.load_plugins.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php:.') in /xxx/gallerydata/smarty/templates_c/%%108485208/%%B0^B07^B07373BD%%theme.tpl.php on line 3
Some details:
-G2 works standalone...(newest download)
-The smarty-app works standalone...
-As you can see, the application does not the right path....'SMARTY_CORE_DIRcore.load_plugins.php' ... SMARTY_CORE_DIR should be a constant, but it's not there....strange huh?
-The smarty-app is running 2.6.5-dev
- I can't install a newer smarty-app or I get really a lot of errors and the errors produce other errors.
Thats it...please G2-Forum.... pimp...erm....fix my application.
Posts: 32509
please read:
so maybe just define the constant
Posts: 15
Hi valiant, thanks for the reply.
I checked the two threads you gave me and it was the constant. Maybe it was just too late and I was searching in a total different directions. However, I defined the constant manually and it seemed to work....
Strange thing, if you click a little bit arround, you will get soon an error. I also found the problem: it's about the g2_highlightId=xyz in the called url, if I remove this part, it works. Strange.
See here:
Posts: 15
oh...i forgot. I am currently checking everything in the forum i can find...the error is:
"Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by"
I searched all the files, which are being called, but no luck...
Posts: 15
This is the "embedding-file" on the bottom it will define two "smarty" variables with the content...
This is the page the users will call:
Posts: 15
It's a hack, but I want to sell the company a new website anyway.
Posts: 32509
highlightId -> if that's a problem for you, you'll have a lot of other problems too and it's not solved by removing the highlightId feature of g2.
g2 works a lot with HTTP redirects. highlightId triggers one.
if you start outputting html / anything before calling GalleryEmbed::handleRequest(), then you'll run into this problem.
you haven't fixed it yet.
example: try editing an album name in your embedded g2.