I think it looks horrible and is -15 for user friendly


Joined: 2006-01-26
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-26 20:14

I build simple web sites, and for folks that need and have 0 knowledge of web anything, lucky they can surf without hurting themselfs.

This Gallery is the one I used for a memorial page, my own personal photo album, as well as for my step fathers web site.

90% of the reason I used it was because once it was done and all set up, I gave the two folks user/pass, and it's SOO user and web site for dummies usable.

What we have now? bloody freaking mess, and I will be moving away from using it. If these people wanted a gallery that looked like a phpnuke gallery, would of been easier just to do their web sites that way.

but it's so impersonal and "Blah" that way.

I am just very let down by this so called UP grade, and "new" version. I can never "turn" over a gallery to someone I build a web site for like this, if anything ever needed added/changed, I would have my family and friends all whining to me constantly to make changes for them.

*shrugs* just my 2 cents..


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2006-01-26 21:59

- gallery 1.x is still maintained and further developed, you can stay with that if you want
- @impersonal look:
it's just the default look and it's looking much cleaner / more professional than G1, IMO. if you want a more personal, playful look, just change the theme.
there are already a few nice themes. you might find the PG theme meeting your criterias.



Joined: 2002-10-30
Posts: 3236
Posted: Fri, 2006-02-03 01:33

I like the G2 + WP (WPG2) with a modified version of the "Wordpress" theme. It does a good job of keeping things very simple by reducing what is displayed and adding a link to a "detailed" version for when you need to see the details.

Unlike G1, G2 can be warped fairly easily to fit your needs. While it isn't *easy* to learn and create your own theme, it is possible to change the look of G2 so much that if you remove the "Gallery" logo/copyright/text stuff you might not even realize it was Gallery 2. Compare that with G1 who's themes pretty much all look the same ;)
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