0.4.9b has been released. This thread is dead!
You've been very hard at work . . . maybe too hard. 
Seems, at least in my case, 0.4.9 is broke. No map.
One thing I quickly noticed is the 'Area to Sow on the Map'
dropdown shows all entries of the Map Key profile listed
as separate entries as Album:...
Will keep looking.
The New Admin interface is nice.
Maybe change the 'pink' backgrounds on some of the item info
listings (hard to see white text on pink). Maybe the pink
background/white text is only on my system.
Posts: 364
My 'no map' problem appears related to the 'Map Height' and 'Map Width'
settings in Admin. I usually have these set to 95%. I tried setting
them to 'px' (600 wide x 500 high) and the map appeared. I went back to
using '%' and no map.
The Profile entries still appear as Album:...
Posts: 1894
The pink/white issue:
I have black text so I didn't see the problem. it will obviously always look better on some theme compared to others
I'll try to get the text forced to black (at least on the table to select items)
Also for infos:
Blue is for groups item
Green is for album item
Pink is for picture item
I can't reproduce either the "%" thing or the "area to show on the map" issue. Do you have a link/credentials so I can take a look at those ?

The Termite
Posts: 1894
Here are 2 template files that will force the black color inf the tables where the pink is shown
See you
The Termite
Posts: 364
I'm using straight (I think
) matrix.
% - Maybe it's just me. I'll keep looking. Unfortunately, not
accessible from outside (Maybe some day).
Area - Here is some info which You may be able to use to guide
me in the right direction...
The Profile entries appear in the second echo.
Posts: 364
A possible thought regarding the Profile/Album: thing. I have created
ablums where the items are links to items in other ablums.
Posts: 364
OK. I found out the cause of my % vs px problem. In MapHeader.tpl there is:
Well . . . my gallery directory is -not- named gallery2. Maybe this shoul not be a
hardcoded value for 'gallery2'?
Still looking for the reason for the Profile thing.
Posts: 1894
OOOO yeah there actually is 2 or 3 hard coded path [i]I forgot about ... I'll be fixing this
Posts: 1894
For the profile problem I would start looking into 2 files:
map.tpl (in the block folder) is the template used to show the dropdown
callbacks.inc is the file that creates the list to display by the template
Let me know if that helps looking in the right direction.
The Termite
Posts: 166
Just tried 0.4.9, and my gallery isn't happy at all (http://gallery.ildica.com/main.php?g2_view=map.ShowMap). No pins at all any more. I had to change the % item back to px as well. I also tried a filter on one of the albums, and it showed me a group pin, but clicking on the group pin never resulted in zooming me in until the item pins appeared.
Good luck. If you need more detail, let me know.
Posts: 1894
I'm getting a no key valid for this website. did you change something ?
Posts: 364
map.tpl was not interesting; but, Callbacks.inc might be. This
does not look correct ([0] x 2).
Posts: 364
In addition to the previous finding in Callbacks.inc . . .
Maybe these -are- correct; but, just too much for pea
Posts: 1894
That's normal. It's an array of array, the "first item" (0) has "name and "param" (default -> shows the regular map)
and the "second item" (1) has "name" and "param" as well (Define -> link to the admin page)
From my propoective it really makes no sense that the list of profiles are showing up there...
The list of album itself is created in the ShowMap.inc file could be where the error is.
Posts: 364
Maybe. Attached is a text file that is the results from placing
echo/pre statements in ShowMap.inc like so . . .
Thank You for maintaining your patience. I recognize what a
bummer it is to have something (after much effort) work
perfectly in one environment only to have it blow up when
the "peas" get hold of it.
No offence meant to "peas" anywhere and everywhere.
Posts: 166
The API key should be fixed now, but I've still got the original issues.
I'm also getting dodgy albums listed in the filter dropdown (including one album which appears to have a name equivalent to my API key)
Posts: 1894
Ah, maybe that's what's happening ... garbage collection
Can you try to add
$map['listalbums'] = $parentsequences;
foreach($map['listalbums'] as $tmp) $temp[] = implode("`",$tmp);
Thanks !
The Termite
Posts: 364
A sweet cure!
Posts: 364
Regarding the pink/white thing. It is not the theme; but rather, the colorpack
that causes the situation. Actually, probably a combination of the two. The same
theme with different colorpack combos will result in . . . undesired results, since the colorpack changes the
FG/BG combinations.
Posts: 1894
Yep. I tried to put a dark bl;ue pack and I got the same "problem" I soved it with the .tpl files I enclosed above. Are those working for you ?
Posts: 1894
BTW, conorboy the problem with funky filterlist would be corrected with the fix aboce ("garbage collection")
The Termite
Posts: 364
They do solve the pink background; although, black on dark blue
You just can't win. ;-)
is hard on my old eyes.
Posts: 1894
Hello guys,
Please try the new release http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/gmap-module/map-module-0.4.9b.zip?download
I should have those bugs fixed in it
Thanks for your help debugging!
The Termite
Posts: 1894
Next release will win
I'm going to extend the use of the CSS file and you will then be able to change it right there to what you like best (or what you see best)
Posts: 364
Everybody else...
When upgrading
-Be sure to copy over any Group Thumbs you may have uploaded (they would
be in map/images/groups). If you don't your map will not display.
-Be sure to alter the permissions or owner of the map/images/groups directory
or you may experience problem uploading Group Thumbs.
This is just a friendly reminder from a fellow "pea".
Posts: 1894
Actually building on the idea, just later permissions on map/images/ that will take care of markers, group and "multi" uploads and creations
Posts: 107
I tried today updating to the latest nightly snapshot (Had older version of EXIF module) so I could install the map module and themes.
Now I get an error about incompatibiliries between the Module, Core and Theme APIs used by G2 and the ones used by the module and the theme.
Is there a new version of the APIs that needs to be adopted by your module and your theme? If you say yes I can stop pulling my hair
Posts: 1894
The lastest nightly snapshot uses a different module API with wich the current module isn't compatible. you will not be able to make it work.
Once Gallery 2.1 is final we will work on finalizing the module compatible with this new api. There is quite a bit of thing to change in the module and We just haven't got around to it.
If you wish to use 0.4.9b you will have to go back to Gallery version 2.0.2 sorry for the incovenience
Posts: 107
Incredible. This is just my luck. Ha! I just go and install a nightly snapshot for the first time in four years or so and I happen to hit an API version change. And one affecting exactly the Module I wanted to try.
I should've done the "modifying the EXIF module manually". That'd been much easier.
I'll see about going back to 2.0.2 and modifying EXIF module manually, though. Unless the changes to the Map Module are not complicated and I could do them myself.
I wasn't even aware of the API change, so it may take a while, though.
I do understand your reluctance on releasing a new version of the module as it may not be backwards compatible, though. Count on me if you want to test it with the new APIs.
One question: I've seen that it's possible to trace routes in the map. I can't use it so I can't know for sure but is it possible to trace a route independently of the photos in the route? That is, could I trace an exact route through a lot of streets even if there are only few photos to include in said route? I was under the impression that the points connecting a route had to be photos themselves.
Posts: 1894
I had the same issue as well a few weeks back ...
yes, that would be true
Trust me it's easier to go back ;) It's going to be taking quite some time to do all the modification for the module to work on the new API. I have made it easier with the latest cleanup but still going to be chalenging
yes, the 2 API are not compatible. It's either one or the other
For now, yes. It's on my plate to get ot to trace random (or manual" routes) using GPX tracklogs or simply map input. I have had good success with the first but haven't started the later.
Someday all will be well :D
See you
The Termite
Posts: 34
hi all!
i'm having some trouble with the 0.4.9... I just installed it and everything worked great. but when I set the filter block to "hide" the whole left block disappeared!! I tried to set it back to be "left", but all I get is an empty block. I then tried to alter something in the themesettings for matrix and added a new block but it still remains blank...
any ideas on how to get the blocks back?
seehundnz :wink:
Posts: 34
sorry guys... false alarm!
I just found out how to bring the block back.
I just needed to set the values in the themes menu for the starting page back to "global values". everything is ok now....LOL
but still...... the whole block shouldn't disappear, should it?
Posts: 107
No luck. I thought I had a backup but upon reloading everything (including a backed up version of the whole database) I get messages about the core being in the wrong version.
So I'm stuck with 2.1 which is a bummer as one of the modules is being used in my blog (WPG2) and isn't compatible.
I know, I know, the fault is all mine.
BTW, I meant tracing a route not unlike the way it's done in Gpedometer (these two routes are from actual trips, and I have dozens of photos along the routes):
Interestingly the site can also export to GPX anyway, so that's alright, I guess
Eduo, back to a conflicting Wordpress/Gallery2 installation and no way to go back!
Posts: 166
0.4.9b fixes the issues I had, Termite, thanks.
Will let you know if I encounter any others.
Posts: 1894
Nope this is a bug and should be filed :wink:. I have to look into that I recall having the issue once but I haven't be able to reproduce it ever since.
It must be something very simple. I'll find it
PLx post a bug if you have time :D
Posts: 1894
Now that's good news
Posts: 1894
I'm not an expert but it doesn't sound good
Well, there is not warning either ... once it's done you're done :D. I managed to get my installation back but it wasn't an easy task ....
It's kinda like blow away the all thing and start fresh plus restore some of the information on the database so you don't have to re-type everything
I don't really understand how the site operates, sometimes I get a marker when I click, somethime not.... Well I guess the idea would be to be able to have "points" in the route that do not necessarely belong to a "item". Kinda like a blank marker on the map that could be added to the route ...
Sounds a bit tricky but do-able. maybe yet another feature request .... (on sf.net
Man we'll never be done.
Posts: 1894
One last message for this thread and I'm gonna put the blame on the original creator of this topic
In the future, to avoid confusion, please only create 1 thread for 1 problem and post in it if you experience the same or intend to help fixing it
When a new post is created a little more desciption in the title will also prevent multi-topic threads ;)
It's just easier to keep track and find problems when 1 problem = 1 thread = 1 solution
Thanks !
The Termite
Posts: 364
Sorry 'bout that. Live and learn.
Ha Ha . . . I get the last message. ;-)
No More Posting! This Thread Is Dead!