Here are error reporn from my Drupal log. Besibe these errors I don't see my certificate in Admin => Goggle => General => API key if I see under embed (/gallery path), but they are if I see in standalonde (/content path) where I have created it initially. However, other thing seem to be working for my first short view...
Сообщение array_key_exists(): The second argument should be either an array or an object в /home/.oly/kostik/travelcamera.ru/content/modules/map/MapSiteAdmin.inc на строке 271.
Сообщение loadtemplate(): Failed opening 'modules/map/includes/MapAdminEdits.inc' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') в /home/.oly/kostik/travelcamera.ru/content/modules/map/MapSiteAdmin.inc на строке 268.
Gallery version (not just "2"): 2.0.1+
Module / Theme name & version: 0.4.9
Drupal 4.6.4
Posts: 243
I'm also wondering how to hide "Legend". I deactived it for albums, and for photo. I switch it off, but I still see the block "LEGEND" with only one word "Lerend".
Posts: 364
You might first try the lastest version of The Map Module.
It is now 0.4.9c and can be found HERE.
It will, at least, solve your path problem (if I understand that
path is a problem for you).
Posts: 1894
Actually there are bugs posted for those 2 very problems.
They are fixed in the next version to come 0.4.10 ... you can check in the sourceforge
See you !
The Termite
Posts: 243
I download today "c" version and path-problem is still here. Ok. Waiting for 0.4.10.
That Google map is some awesome even with no additional features!
some futher questions:
1/i couldn't make .po file, so I converted (copied) from french .po.
I could not translate "Zoomlevel" and "Colors" and "ORANGE, BLUE e.t.c.."
Could you give me the tip hot to do it or remake my old po-file (see attached).
2/where can I get GPS-EXIF jpeg to test?
p.s.s. Path isn't a problem, until I can go to Administerin standalone mode. When in embed it's just working fine. So I hope I'm right. I use it just for one day. Thank you for such beautiful module!
Posts: 1894
If the po files are missing some translation (it would be my fault) you need a machine with "make" on it.
Then go to the po files directory and delete messages.po and do a "make messages.po" this will create a "base" po file to use.
After that, still in the same directory, you can do a "cp messages.po ru_RU.po" OR if you already have .po file for you language (it's your case now :D), you can just do a "make ru_RU" amd it will update your file with the newly added text from the last time I did a "make messages.po"
I hope this helps if you have more question feel free to ask
Thanks for your support !
The Termite
Posts: 243
Today this "make"ing working fine, I don't know why - but yesterday it were error. Thanks for your support, now I now how to update .po file. ;-) But my was up to date. Please, don't use attached, it's special for my site with almost no translation.
Later hope I translate it, but frankly speaking it's huge! but it's worth to do it.
I tried to install it on cvs right now for testing, but is said me incompartible API. Do you have MAP module for 2.1?
p.s. I'm still in euphoria after I knew about GMAPs, today found my conutry house... ;-))) Spectacular! By the way, I can provide you my http://www.travelcamera.ru/gallery?g2_view=map.ShowMap, hope one day it will be all world filled. Also I found one good example on one rus. site: http://www.hiero.ru/works-gmap - I think site creators made this by themselves for the same goal, but that oranges show where people live (and create works/photos) on the planet.
Also one question: how can I go directly from Albums/Photos in Album to the point on the map? That links "Show Map" shows me only general map.
Posts: 1894
Yes the map module is for Galery v 2.0 and the latest CVS is a preview of gallery 2.1
The map module is incompatible at this point. We rae working on "updating" it but since gallery 2.1 is not offically release yet we are not releasing the google map module with it
So for now there is no working module for gallery 2.1 published :D
The Termite
Posts: 243
ok, but if it's working, let me know, I'll help you with translation map module before 2.1 will be release (and your module). The more important, I planed to install it on my demo-site and show users what it is like. Now it's 15-days old cvs 2.1, but I can easily update. Only for demo-reasons(and testing).
Also one question: how can I go directly from Albums/Photos in Album to the point on the map? That links "Show Map" shows me only general map.
Posts: 1894
Didn't quite get that. Do you mean how do you change the link on the side so that it shows a map of th current album instead of the all map ?
If that's the case, it's not this way right now, but I guess it could be
It shouldn't be too hard to do ...
the link is in module.inc in the function getItemLinks($items, $wantsDetailedLinks, $permissions)
There you will see the link. I'm sure it can be changed easily but I would have to think that throught a little bit :D
If you can figure it out, please post it here, otherwise I will when I get it.
Posts: 243
Ok, I'll explain what I meant and what it could be.
If you go to hiero.ru by the link above, select photo, press it, then just below the photo it's interesting GPS coordinates (even in some human format). So, if you press it, it are back on the map in the location of this photo (zoomed, cetered e.t.c.). It's an examlpe. I didn't see such function in my gallery at this moment.
What I need. I have many albums. So, I stated that linking albums is good, but linking photos are not good. But! Photos inside linked albums are on the same place in the worls. So, what I see how ut should work: on the Albums page you press "Show (on the) Map" and go to the GPS-coordinates with ZoomLevel for this albums. Then, seeing a photo (not mapped) that is inside album (mapped) you have the _same_ link.
Sorry, if it isn't new, I'm novice in gmaps, installed just yesterday. I've seen it many month ago, but didn't realized the powerful of this feature. Also I didn't have a luck to read every 1896 messasages about it. I'm not the programmer, and can't code any code with any function. Then, when you have some-little-working module for 2.1 please let me know - I'm unpatient to continiue my investigation your module... thx.
Posts: 1894
OO ok. I see so I'll work on that. I will also post a feature request in sourceforge for it.
I don't see it being very hard to do but I'd like to put it there to keep track of it
Changing to link on the side seems to be easy BUT. if a picture in a album that does not have cordinates we might have some error so I thought about the following:
- Changing the link so that when you are viewing an album and click "show map" it shows a map with all picture that have GPS coordinate in this specific album and sub-albums (that's pretty easy to do by the way)
- When you are viewing a picture, it would show the map for the parent album.
- Adding another link to show the "Master" map that is the current link and show only the default which is ever item in the all gallery that a user has access to
I have put that as a feature request HERE. please comment if you want something different or have a better idea on implementing it
BTW. this Russian site you mentionned has some cool feature I'm thinking of putting in as well

The Termite
Posts: 224
I was thinking about this as well and was going to add it to features, I geuss it would be a simpler way to navigate to differant maps and would be a good way to organize things. It could also take permissions into account for users depending on if they are able to have access to just master map, parent album map, sub-album map, I think thats about it, maybe a full screen map as well. Heres something...
"Mother map" -the main map with all photos or albums
"Big map" -the same as mother map but opens in full screen mode ( I like this mode when veiwing map on some sites a lot but wouldnt want it to be the default type)
"Parent map" - the map for a users parent album showing only thier albums/photos
"sub-album map" -a map for all the photos/items in a subalbum
Having these sort of links would be a great way to organize the map levels though do you think it would be too feature rich or confusing? I geuss it depends on how its displayed and the permissions behind it. Something like 2 sidebar links to mother map and big map, then for the albums maybe something like the theme where you click onn an actual thumbnail of the map to view that albums (or subalbums) map.
does google put any limitations on how many maps your site can display?
Oh and that russian site has a nice idea of making grouped markers larger then the individual markers, think ill try and do that, thanks for link.
Posts: 1894
Well what I was thinking about was:
- keep the existing link and rename it "master map will all da shit on it"
- Create a new link: Show album on a google map and it would show all the picture and album with GPS coord on a google map that are included in the current album and sub-album (respecting rights of course)
We can definitively add more links like:
- Show Map with all the groups only
- Show Map with user specific items.
Maybe we can also add a "link management" area to enable/disable what we want.
I have to look at the feasability but as far as I can tell right now It should be fairly easy.
See you !
The Termite
Posts: 224
sounds good, is it possible to have more than 1 size map per site, like say your default master map and a link to a larger version (like fullscreen) or something like http://beermapping.com/maps/newyorkbeer.html , it would be a nice option but I woudnt want a map that large for the default.
Also I see that coppermine now has the map with the filmstrip thumbnails http://takethu.com/locations_map.php
Posts: 1894
To be very honest with you I don't know if that's possible
It seems to me we woul dhave to modify the template for it to show up that way, unless maybe we can open a "popup" window with JS that would display the map only ...
I'll do some research but I'm really unsure. Can you put it in the feature request list so I don't forget ?
Thanks !
The Termite
Posts: 1894
As for the thumbnail bar it's already in for version 0.4.10
It's working pretty well and my only issue is that I can seem to be able to put it on the left side of the map.... otherwise it's pretty similar to that of the copermine one
The Termite
Posts: 224
, here's a full screen example that uses javascript and includes the code so could be fast to test out
http://www.leapbeyond.com/ric/scuba/appletdemo/FullScreenMap.htm , ill put it up on forge.
Posts: 1894
I think the problem for the full screen map is not so much the code itself but more the fact that it's embedded in the gallery.
They are stuff that are directed by the template in use. In order to be able to do that, I would need to code the all thing seprately from the gallery and pass-on variable using POST or something.
I'm not sure I'm very ready to do this.
I'll think this throught some more tho. There might be another solution where I can simply "disable" the theme for a popup window.
I will let you know

The Termite
Posts: 364
Link management would be good. My comment regarding the rest...
I think there should always be just one link in the sidebar.
This link should be contextual (meaning it should show a map
that filters out everything other than what is found in the
current context or below). If it is an ablum then only that
album (and anything within, including sub-albums) should be
shown on the map. If it is an item then just that one item
should be shown. Let us not forget that there is a dropdown
that provides all other filter possibilites (provided you
turn them on).
I suppose this thread should be/have been split.
Posts: 27300
I have to agree with galmoid. Gallery has other forms of navigation and we should reinvent the wheel.
Posts: 1894
Didn't you make a request for adding a link to the map from the admin panel and vice-versa ?
Sorry I'm just being an ass .... as usual
Posts: 27300
Yes but that was for admins only.
Don't do as I say to as I want!
Posts: 224
aye no problemo was just an idea, there more important stuff
ya geuss thats the way to go, though id prob change the link im my theme from the sidebar to maybe top menu or somewhere it can be highlighted since its better then the regular links
and needs a place of its own, maybe with flashing lights and arrows.
lol im delerious
Posts: 243
I'm little bit confused with all discussion becouse of my poor english in understanding complicated things. ;-) what are group and individual markers?
In fact, writing here I wanter to ask next question: I have a region, e.g. Russia -) where I live, or Moscow - with GPS coordinates. I need to make link from my DRUPAL site from anywhere what will open Google Map with this regison with appropriated zoom-level. Link I print: www.mysite.com/?gallery?g2_view=map.ShowMap&GPS=37.619998,55.750000. Can I do it? In maps.google.com you, what about gallery google maps?
About grouping and larger markers. I have some categories on my site. Let it be:
- selected albums (every country, every citi)
- users albums
- users photos.
So, users are not recommended to link photo, but if the do this marker could be smaller, than albums marker.
Selected albums (I manually seleced photos to them) are higher in priority than users albums - so I would like to make them bigger. Or different marker. Now I can only have the possibility to use the MY color, but I don't have any garantee than anyone else won't use it.
Further, I can't understand: When I put some place, then press "Search by address", Google modules catches the gps coordinates from Google. But! When then I go to "Select on the map" - there is no marker. The problem is, that you need to Save it, and go to Map manually to see where your link appeared. Am I right? The thing is that some users I don't know why place Egypt for example in US and so on...
Most important question: will be 0.4.10 for 2.0.1 gallery? -) I'm on 2.0.1 and I'm not going to upgrade to 2.1 in the near future. If not, there is no benefit for me for writing all these ideas because I won't be able to apply them and solve my first Drupal-problem.
About feature and "show link". I really didn't catch all points but I try to pay attention to some details which were important for me:
On the map:
-you see markers for albums and for photo which are linked
-if the photo and it's parent album is linked, you see only album marker
-when you press marker, you see hightlight for album/photo and NOT all photos wih scrolling or whatever (like in that russian site - that's terrible)
Also some thinks,
when I put GPS coordinates by the address, there is not Zoom level to set. For my users and even for ME it's difficult to decide which 0-17 figure and should put here. Any decidion?
Can you make any explanation of GPS coordinates somewhere? Or is this already in EXIF? But If put them manually? Idea is to show GPS coordinates somewhere, e,g, link in EXIF or custom fields (may be additional block under photo/albums?) what will clear show the GPS coordinates with explanation. It'is already on that russian site - when you mouse over the link you see this coordinates. (not very important, but good idea)
Posts: 1894
In the Google Map, you can achieve that by creating "filters" in the admin panel. Let say you create a filter called Russia
and then you enter your coordinates and zoom (btw there is a bug there, but you can work around it i'm sure)
After that you can access you map using www.mysite.com/?gallery?g2_view=map.ShowMap&g2_filter=Russia and voila .... you can create as many filters as you wish.
That's not possible at the present but maybe should be a feature request on sourceforge ;)
Get via map is buggy on 0.4.9 that you have. I actually just found that very bug yesterday. It'll be solved in 0.4.10. Basically when you enter an address it saves the coordinates right away and you -should- be able to go to "get via map" and be around where the coordinates are ... guess not.
Otherwise you are right, but it's not the normal behaviour
0.4.10 will be for Gallery 2.0.x and there will be a parallele release for gallery 2.1 called 0.5.0. 0.4.10 will be the last version for gallery 2.0 until the google API comes out of Beta stage.
The Automatic regroup feature (in admin panel -> marker settings) achieve a very similar behaviour where it only show the album markers if the photo markers cnatined in this album are too close to him ... check it out and let me know if that suits your need.
One question: did you mean terrible - good or terrible - bad ?
I'm not too sure ... maybe some else will have a good idea (i'm not too good in "usability")
So if I undertsnd correctly you wish to have the coordinates displayed someplace around the map ?
Right now, you can use the infowindow templates "g2xxxxxx", they have the GPS coordinates displayed in them. otherwise I'm sure we can add it easily to be displayed under the map or something
Hope this answer your questions

See you
The Termite
Posts: 224
maybe a pop up saying "explain" showing a small image for the sizes as a referance , or just a text conversion like 17= x meters from ground. I can easily do that if think its needed.
Posts: 1894
That's a cool idea and gave more ideas :-D. We should probably have more overall help in the module (not really accessible there)
Thanks for the suggestion, sounds great !
Posts: 243
Ok, I think filter will be ok, but when I tried to switch it on, and then too addd any filter, I loose my session and log out'ing. I'm not sure that's google map's module issue, before I have the same, but at this moment I can't test it. Under Drupal my a mess, but under standalone there are logging out:
in modules/core/classes/GalleryView.class at line 185 (gallerystatus::error)
in main.php at line 291 (galleryview::loadview)
in main.php at line 88
in main.php at line 81
* in modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryUserHelper_medium.class at line 209 (gallerystatus::error)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryCoreApi.class at line 519 (galleryuserhelper_medium::assertsiteadministrator)
* in modules/core/SiteAdmin.inc at line 46 (gallerycoreapi::assertuserissiteadministrator)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryTheme.class at line 689 (siteadminview::loadtemplate)
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryView.class at line 312 (matrixtheme::loadtemplate)
* in main.php at line 337 (siteadminview::doloadtemplate)
* in main.php at line 88
* in main.php at line 81
p.s. terrible... means bad. on that site they're showing some photos in one windows, it's slow.
p.s.s. Where can I translate "Colors" (and all colors: orange, white e.t.c) "ZoomLevel" and GPS? Please, include it in 0.4.10 po-files. I looked in template template, but didn't not found any like this. I just wait for new version.
THANKS YOU FOR ALL ANSWERS. I need some more time my users to test all this, and new release to test it by myself. I still don't get they idea of most ot the great features of this modul =)
Posts: 1894
Never seen this before .... i wonder what that is ....
Posts: 243
Sorry for that. I really appreciate your module, and I definitly going to write about it, explain everything and may be translate (despite it's huge!), but in Russian language. At this moment I don't have a test platform for G2.0.1, or my working site doesn't really sits any tests and as you see have problems, but my demo-site and test platform is based on 2.1, but there is no module for 2.1. So I'm just waiting a new module for 2.0.1 (to make it work good in Drupal) or new version for 2.1 (to test it overall and translate po-files and put the information on my gallery2.ru web-site). Now it's only one module I'm intereresting in. =) I used chechout, it's great, but not so great as yours. If we have docs in English I can easily translate it to my language. But I can't help writing your docs because I even don't know how it really works. =( Looking forward to the moving this... and releasing new version.
Posts: 224
Id help out termite just tell me where to start
Posts: 1894
thanks, thanks, thanks
Weel I guess agood start is to look at the codex where I started a userguide ... It's not great and not anywhere close to be finished but it's aa start :D
thanks again for your help, very much appreciated