I am using the Gallery 2 with the Siriux theme. I have edited the css style sheet and adjusted the colors, as this particular layout will works well within the existing site. However, in order for it to fit within the frame theme of my site, the pages need to be aligned left rather than aligned center as well as I would like to avoid having to create frames within a frames page and merely add our site navigational/footer to the viewable pages (album/photo). Does anyone know how to change the pages' alignment? I've looked in the theme.inc, the tpl pages and I do not see where I could make that adjustment. I've actually went through the scripts and thought that mostly it was handled by the css, but unfortunately, I've not had any luck. Does anyone know how I can make these very small changes? I am a php dummy, but it would be convenient if there was a way to make a developers area where we can add our own page structure or at least make adjustments such as adding a site header/footer, and being able to adjust the alignment to fit existing site layouts. I'm not sure what is involved in making that happen, but this is a wonderful gallery and that additional feature would be such a plus. 
I thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my questions.
Posts: 1894
I guess an easy (and dirty) way to align to the left would be to add a <div></div> to enclose the all thing (like in theme.tpl most likely) and then do style="align:left" on it..
Maybe it's a bad idea but it should work
Also it's possible that this only affects part of the template and not the all thing so if you wish to make the changes to album.tpl and photo.tpl as well, it should get it done everywhere.
See you
The Termite
Posts: 2
Ah...thank you so much! That sounds like a splendid idea. I will give it a try. Also...do you or does anyone know how I could go about adding my footer onto the page? I would really like to have the footer included at the bottom of the page rather than having to create another frame.
Again, I appreciate your time and help.
Many thanks.
Posts: 1894
In a TPL file.
Anything between {g->addToTrailer} and {/g->addToTrailer} will be included in the footer.
Hope this helps!
The Termite
Posts: 1
It's pretty simple.
Open your theme.css and locate
change to