Thumbnails are not displaying in neat rows. Everything looks fine under the Admin login, however, for other users a page will have a couple of thumbnails in the correct position and frame, some in an extra frame and the rest in a single column down the left of the page. Fonts do not seem to be correct either.
Many thanks.
Gallery version = 2.0 core 1.0.0
PHP version = 4.3.9 apache2handler
Webserver = Apache/2.0.52 (Unix) PHP/4.3.9 DAV/2
Database = mysql 4.0.21 Complete MySQL by Server Logistics
Toolkits = ArchiveUpload, Exif, ImageMagick, Thumbnail, Gd
Operating system = Darwin edge.local 7.9.0 Darwin Kernel Version 7.9.0: Wed Mar 30 20:11:17 PST 2005; root:xnu/xnu-517.12.7.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh
Browser = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
Posts: 2258
URL please
Posts: 22
Posts: 32509
looks all fine to me (windows xp, firefox 1.5):
topic moved to 3rd party module/theme support forum.
Posts: 2258
Also looks fine here. FF 1.5 on Linux.
Posts: 22
Hmmm... strange I still get the problem. I have created a test user that exhibits the situation, although, I can see it when logged in as Guest.
I have been using both Macs and PCs.
Posts: 2258
Try clearning your cache and cookies and all of that perhaps? Still can't see it here or from IE6 or FF1.5 on win2k3
Posts: 22
I did that and I tried other browsers. It still happens and it happens on both Macs and PCs even on first visit to the site. I don't see it as a client problem.
Posts: 2258
can you attach a screenshot?
Posts: 1894
I tried to login with the account that you provided and I see the problem ... as guest the problem does not appear at all ... very weird.
Unfortunately I can't help with that, just wanted to make you feel a bit better. You're not alone :D
The Termite
Posts: 22
Here is one from a PC.
Posts: 22
Hmmm... perhaps I should include how it should look.
Posts: 22
Could this be a permissions based problem?
Posts: 1894
It has to be a permission problem otherwise it will work the same for guest and non-guest.
My 2 cents on this is that I think there is a block that the guest does not have access too that messes everything up. So when you log-in the "messed-up block" destroy the view and as guest it works fine because there is no access to the specific block.
Now ... still need to find the right block. I would start with removing everything except maybe "item action" and go from there.
The Termite
Posts: 22
Last night I tried changing the theme to Classic. The problem went away. Next, I tried upgrading the PGTheme from RC6 to RC7. So, after the complete reinstall, the problem still exists. I also removed all other themes just to clean up a bit.
Today, I will try removing blocks, as suggested.
Posts: 22
Well, I have tried removing blocks and altering a variety of settings. Nothing changed.
What is the next step?
Posts: 1894
Hmm I found out something very interesting.....
When I don't login to your gallery I see everything fine and when I logged in it's all messed up (like I already said). But when I'm logged in and i switch to the "guest" view it also shows up completly messed up.
I'm still wondering what's going on here but It has to be something with the permissions that don't work correctly with the PG theme. Do you mind giving me temporarely some access to the admin section so I can take a look ? (PM)
See you
The Termite
Posts: 1894
I might have found the problem
Can you attach YOUR file from the PGTheme ... I'm pretty convinced that I can repair it
EDIT: I meant album.tpl .... I'm not sure why I asked for the wrong one

The Termite
Posts: 22
Many thanks.
Posts: 1894
I'm sorry .. my message was completly unclear. I actually need the file called album.tpl, I think I have found a small bug in there
The Termite
Posts: 22
Here it is.
I noticed in the attachments list here that it added .txt to the end of the name. I wonder if it will post it that way too. Oh well.
Many thanks.
Posts: 1894
Ok ... I feel so very stupid right now ....
I got your file and was trying to match it to the "view source" of your website to find where the "bug" was and there was some inconsitencies between the two. At this point I though, well it's one of the two:
- The file I got (album.tpl) isn't the right file ... but why and how ?
- The template cache is seriously messed up.
So I went for option 2 and cleared the template cache ... it gave me an error, tried again, success !
After that, well, the problem went away.... You can see for yourselft it's now all good ! I really should have thought of that .....
Anyway, problem solved and good luck

The Termite
Posts: 3
This is my gallery. I think I have the same problem. The pages on the Valentine day shoot are very wide. despite anything i do, there is only ONE column down the middle...very annoying for visitors.
How can i fix it?
Please respond to
Posts: 1894
It's because of your comment for the album at the top ... it's all on one line and so the page is HUUUUUUGE (wide-wise)
A solution would be to add linebreaks to limit the amount of text on each line. Try adding <br/> wherever you'd like to break to another line.
After that it'll be all better :-D