I just have two questions before I download and install..
At the present time I have a page or two of 100x100 gif avatars, and some of them are animated. I know from previous experience with other gallery scripts that you cannot generate an animated thumbnail for animated gifs, it will only generate a static image. (which means visitors wont see the animated version unless they click on the static one - and that is confusing when you are dealing with tiny animated images)
I was reading the documentation for Gallery, and it says:
# You can upload separate / custom thumbnail for any filetype. So if G2 can't generate thumbnails for a specific filetype, you can still upload your own thumbnail for the file
Can I take from that, that I could upload an animated 100x100 gif, and then upload it again to use as a thumbnail so that the thumbnail is animated? I just want to be sure before I go installing and fiddling about.
also, a second question.. since the 100x00 avatars are so small, a thumbnail isnt really needed as the full size image would be the same size as the thumbnail. is there a way to set the album they are in, to not display a page of thumbs, but instead display a page of the original images? If that makes sense..
thanks in advance
Posts: 132
Gallery 2 -does- generate thumbnail that are animated perfectly fine. There are no need to make a different gif just to make the thumbnail animated. I have a few animated gif in my gallery and the thumbnail seem to animates fine without doing any extra setting. You might have to use some toolkit other then GD though. if you have all three set installed, GD, imagemagick, netpbm. It should work fine
And yes, you can upload animated gif anyway and it will work. If the image is smaller then the thumbnail, I believe it will just display the original image, but that I'm not entirely sure.
Posts: 2
oh! well then I think I am going to love G2. lol Thats the biggest problem I have had trying to find a good gallery script to use for them, was that I couldnt generate the animated thumbs. I think my host has all three for us to use, so that should be great.
thankyou so much! :D