Blackboard / WebCT Integration


Joined: 2006-02-15
Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 2006-02-15 23:30

Hi are any users from HE's interested in sharing development for Gallery v2 standalone or with Blackboard or any other VLE framework. I would be interested in hearing from others.

We are using Blackboard as a consortium of Institute of Education, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Royal Veterinary College and School of Oriental and African Studies and growing.

As institutions we face very simular issues and are evaluating the potential of Gallery v2 with other applications are any of you in the same position and what stage are you in your developemnts.

Contact me directly at SOAS

Felix Gonzales


Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2006-02-16 08:23

no, i haven't heard of any learning environment system integration with G2 yet.